Episode 12 - Duties

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''Hey, Lena. I don't have work this week. And I really don't like the way we left things last week, call me so we can meet up'', Kara left a message on Lena's voicemail.
Days passed and Kara heard nothing from Lena. Kara had to talk to her sister about the whole situation, so she flew over to Alex and Maggie's apartment.
''Alex, you here'', Kara slammed on the door. It only took seconds before her older sister opened the door with a concerned look on her face. ''I have to talk to talk to you'', Kara sprinted in. ''I was just about to say the same thing'', Alex closed the door behind her. ''So, Lena hasn't retur- Wait, why do you have to talk to me'', Kara turned quickly to Alex. ''Have you read your own magazine lately'', Alex handed Kara the latest cover of Cat-Co. ''Kara, what does the headline say'', Alex could see Kara's face become pale. ''Who's holding Lena Luthor's hand, and why's it not her girlfriend'', Kara felt nervous. ''You should be happy that your face isn't showing in those photos'', Alex grabbed the magazine. ''Maybe this is why she hasn't replied to my texts'', Kara sat down. ''We left stuff pretty badly last time we saw each other'', Kara felt her eyes watering. ''What happened'', Alex sat down next to her sister. ''I freaked out. Lena said she needed time to break up with Selma, and I get that now, but I just, I want her to be mine'', Kara spoke her mind to her sister. ''After everything she told me, I think she's yours'', Alex wrapped her arms around her sister. ''I want her to be only mine'', Kara started crying. After a couple of emotional minutes, their sister time was interrupted by Kara's phone buzzing. ''It's Lena'', Kara let go of her sister and answered the phone.
''Lena'', Kara didn't know what else to say. ''Kara, I am so sorry for not replying. But I reckon you read the Cat-Co news'', Lena sounded pretty calm despite the rumours. ''I did, yes'', Kara answered with a question. ''Umm, I have been trying to explain it all to Selma'', Lena sounded more and more nervous, ''and I didn't tell her about us yet'', Lena could barely say those words, ''but I am in your apartment'', she continued. ''I'll be right there'', Kara then hung up and left her sister hanging.
When Kara arrived outside her apartment, Lena wasn't there, but it only took a few seconds for Kara to remember that Lena has a key to her apartment. Kara entered her own apartment that was unlocked. ''Kara, I missed you'', Lena steps up behind Kara. Kara turns around and Lena wraps her arms around Kara's waist, and tries to kiss her. Kara looks away, and then softly looks back at Lena, with puppy eyes. Lena knew what Kara was asking. ''She didn't touch me'', Lena initiated another kiss, and this time Kara melted.

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