Episode 19 - Endgame

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Episode 19 – Endgame
6 weeks flew by. The couple was no longer a topic anymore in the media, and they enjoyed just getting to love each other. They had decided a couple of days ago, to move in together at Kara's place.
One night, the city of National City was unusually quiet, and Kara had a comfy night in with Lena. They ordered some Chinese food and drank red wine. They had found a show to call theirs, and when they had the time, they cuddled up and watched their favorite show together. Nothing could beat cuddling up and watching 'Once Upon a Time' after a long day at work.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Lena put on some comfy shorts and went to open the door. Kara quickly ran into the bedroom to get dressed after their afternoon delight.
Lena opened the door, and on the other side stood Mon-El.
''Mike? I mean, Mon-El'', Lena said in shock. Kara shouted from the bedroom, ''Who is it babe'', while the two people at door looked at each other confused. ''Kara, I think you need to come here'', Lena said not taking her eyes of what felt like a ghost. Kara hurried, and was just as shook when she saw who was standing at her doorstep.
''Mon- El? What are you doing here--- how are you here'', Kara took place next to Lena. Mon-El held up his hand, showing a ring, ''This, it protects me'', he said with still a weird look on his face. ''Umm you should come in'', Lena could barely form the words. Kara and Lena sat next to each other, with Mon-El across the table. ''I'm confused'', Mon-El blurted out. ''About what'', Kara said. ''I--- you called her babe'', he glanced at Lena for a sec. ''Mon-El, you have been gone for a while. Things changed, I changed. You leaving was tough, but it made me realise important stuff'', Kara replied. ''Important stuff? What you mean'', still very confused. ''That I am in love with Lena, and I think I have been, always'', Kara grabbed Lena's hand. Mon-El said nothing. He just sat there looking at them, trying to figure out everything. ''It makes sense'', he said after a few moments of silence. '' What'', they both said at the same time. ''I mean, as much as it hurts me to say this, you two have always cared for each other dearly and put each other first. I'm just not surprised that you found each other romantically'', Mon-El said, calm now. ''Wait, whaaat'', they both repeated. Mon-El just smiled at them, looking like he was all good. ''Mon-El.. are you being serious'', Kara asked. ''Kara, I am serious. You two look really happy together. And all I ever wanted for you was happiness, no matter how shitty I could act. Truly, I wish you a happy life together'', he stood up, getting ready to leave. Lena and Kara, they were shocked by Mon-El's reaction to it all.
''I have one question though before I leave. Did you ever love me'', he said. ''I did... and I will always care for you'', Kara stood up closing the distance between her and Mon-El, ''but you should know, not like I love Lena'', Kara looked at Lena who had a tiny smile on her mouth. ''I know it's hurting, but Lena is the love of my life. And I truly hope you find yours and that we can have a respecting relationship between us'', Kara said. ''I totally understand, and it's very clear where your heart is'', Mon-El said, initiating a hug. They hugged, and Kara felt a burden off her shoulders. Mon-El left the apartment, left earth and went back to the future.
''I wonder if he is in the future, like can't he see us at like 90 years of age with a 100 grandkids'', Lena laughed at Kara pulling her back down on the couch. ''You know, you didn't have to say all that to him'', Lena cupped Kara's face. Kara gave Lena a small peck on the lips. ''Sure I did'', she said proudly, ''Lena, I want everyone to know how much I love you. I will run out on the streets screaming it so everyone can hear it if I have too'', Kara gave Lena another kiss. ''I love you, Lena'' she said more serious now. ''I love you too, Kara'' Lena replied shooting her soft puppy eyes into Kara's blue warm eyes.
They cuddled all night enjoying each others company. Kissing. Laughing. Talking. The perfect partner, a life ahead better than they could've ever imagined.

The End.

(Thanks for reading. I know it took me like 2 years to finish it all up, and sorry for that. Hope i enjoyed my scrappy rushed story. But hey, it's gay and it's Supercorp, so who really cares)

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