Episode 10 - Can't stay away

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''Kara, get off the couch! Go home and have a shower. Maggie and I, we're gonna have some alone time. I love you, but I love my privacy as well, and you've been on my couch for 5 days now. Come back tomorrow if you want'', Alex entered the living room late in the evening. ''Alex, I can't find my phone'', Kara whined. ''It's in your purse, that I have packed btw, and is ready by the door'', Alex smiled. ''I hate you'', Kara got up from the couch and left her sister's place. ''You didn't have to do that'', Maggie put her arms around Alex's waist. ''Oh, I did'', Alex turned around and smashed her lips on Maggie's lips. ''Damn, Danvers'', Maggie smirked. ''Is that my new nickname, Damn Danvers'', Alex laughed. ''It might be'', Maggie smiled.

As the evening struck Kara felt as if she had ruined everything. Lena was her best friend, did she have to screw that up? Did she screw it up?

''Kara'', someone was knocking at the door, and Kara was too exhausted to even use her heat vision. When she opened the door, she dropped her cup of coffee. It was the last person she had expected to see at her doorstep. ''Lena... Hey'', Kara stuttered. Lena didn't say anything. She stepped into Kara's apartment and pushed her gently against the wall. ''Lena, what are you doing'', Kara said with a lack of breath. ''Shhh'', Lena stepped closer to Kara. ''Lena'', Kara whispered once again. ''Kara, I want you'', Lena stepped even closer to Kara, they could feel each others breath. ''You do'', Kara's heart shattered. ''I do. I always have'', Lena replied and then, she put her lips on Kara's.

After intense minutes of making out on the couch, they broke the lip lock. ''Lena, I thought I messed up'', Kara looked into Lena's eyes. ''Kara, you didn't. Absolutely not'', Lena put her hand on Kara's face, ''The truth is that I didn't want to turn you down, I was just overwhelmed'', Lena's eyes felt watery, ''And I had no idea you had feelings for me'', Lena confessed. ''Do you love her'', Kara soft eyed Lena. ''No, I care about her. But she's not the one I want'', Lena put her arms around Kara's neck. ''Lena'', Kara smashed her lips on Kara's lips, but only for a short minute, ''I--- I love you'', Lena lost her breath as Kara's words dropped. ''I love you too'', Lena kissed Kara.

''It's 01:38am, who can it possibly be'', Kara was referring to the knock on her door. ''Omg, it's Winn'', Kara panicked. Their lips were red, she had kissing marks from Lena's lipstick on her neck and around her lips, and nothing, absolutely nothing about their clothing, makeup or hair, were in place. ''Fix yourself up real quick, he can't know about this now'', Kara gave Lena a napkin so she could fix her smashed lipstick. ''Winn, hey'', Kara was all hyper. ''Hey, Kara. And Lena'', Winn made a face, ''Isn't it really late you guys'', Winn questioned. ''Yes, and I was just leaving'' Lena grabbed her purse and passed Winn at the door, before she turned around and blew Kara a kiss. ''Winn, what's up'' Kara welcomed Winn into the apartment. ''Oh, nothing much really'', Winn started whistling. ''Then why did you come her in the middle of the night'', Kara threw out her arms. Winn backed up. ''Winn'', Kara stepped closer to him. ''Alex made me check up on you'', he confessed. ''What? Wait, what did she tell you'', Kara calmed down. ''That you were sick, and that's apparently not true'', Winn made himself comfortable on Kara's couch, ''Ouch'', he screamed. ''What'', Kara looked at her friend with a weird face. ''Something pinned me in the back'', Winn reached under his back and pulled out an earring. ''Why's Lena's earring on your couch'', he questioned. ''How do you know it's hers'', Kara got nervous. ''Because you don't wear these type of earrings'', he laughed. ''And why was she here so late'', he got more and more suspicious. ''No, reason we just hang out a lot. You know that'', Kara laughed nervously. ''Right... Anyways, you're fine, so I think I'm gonna go'', Winn got up from the couch, and gave Kara a hug. ''Kara, why do you have a lip-shaped lipstick mark on your neck'', Winn stared at Kara. Kara didn't say anything, she as patiently waiting for him to figure it out. ''Ohh'', he said, ''OHHHH'', Winn freaked out. ''Yup'', Kara smiled.

So the last 10 episode will be published in a while. Hope you enjoyed the first 10. Some are shorter than others, but that's just the way it is. Their story is far from over. Lena is still in a relationship, and there are a few surprises ahead as well. 

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