Chapter 4 - What friends are for

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''You have to talk to her, Kara'', Alex and Maggie were standing outside their own bathroom door. ''You can't stay in there forever'', Maggie knocked and knocked, but there was no respond. ''Kara'', Alex tried speaking more softly to her, and it worked. Kara tore up the door, ''It's not true, no'', Kara started pacing again. ''She filled your office with flowers Kara'', Alex said. Kara stopped, ''I have to talk to, don't I'', she paced out the door before receiving an answer or even looking back. ''Thank god'', Alex fell down on the couch dragging Maggie with her.

''Lena, hey'', Kara said over the phone. ''Hey favourite'', Kara could hear Lena's smile widen. ''Do you wanna come over'', Kara went right to business. ''Yep, I'll be there in 10'', Lena replied and hung up. ''Golly, golly, golly'', Kara shouted out loud to herself.

''So, what's up? You seemed upset when we talked on the phone'', Lena made herself comfortable on the couch. ''No nothing is wrong. I think'', Kara sat down in the chair across Lena. ''What does that mean'', Lena got worried. ''Well, you know that you're gay? And I'm straight'', Kara fumbled with her hands. ''Yeah, so'', Lena made a face at Kara. ''Maggie, mentioned something when I was at their place earlier. And I have to ask you, Lena. You don't li'', Lena interrupted Kara, ''Kara'', Lena's heart pumped, ''Lena, let me finish. You don't like me do you'', Kara spit the words out, and she wish wouldn't have because Lena drew breath so deep as if Kara actually did spoil her secret. ''Kara'', Lena looked at Kara with soft eyes. ''I was going to tell you'', Kara got up from her chair as Lena's words dropped. ''Omg'', Kara covered her face. ''You don't have to worry Kara, I would never act on these feelings. We can spend some time apart if you'd like'', Lena felt the blood rush in her body. How did Maggie know? ''What? No. I don't want to spend time apart. Your feelings, they aren't the problem, well I mean we can get past that. I am just upset that Maggie and Alex were the ones to tell me'', Kara turned to Lena. ''How did they know'', Lena got up from the couch in a rush. ''Maggie said you look at me the same way she looks at Alex'', Kara stumbled the words out. ''Omg, this is bad'', Lena's eyes got watery. ''Hey, hey. It's fine Lena. We'll get through this'', Kara put her arms around Lena. ''Thank you'', Lena melted into Kara's arms. ''That's what friends are for'', Kara tightened her grip. ''Well, you're the best friend I've ever had'', Lena broke the hug to look at Kara. ''Likewise Ms. Luthor. How about I make us some food'', Kara suggested. ''As long as it involves kale'', Lena teased. ''Hell no'', Kara laughed.

''Hey, Alex. Is Maggie there as well'', Kara called the lovebirds on facetime to tell them about Lena. ''Hey, Little Danvers. What's up'', Maggie sat down next to Alex and smashed their faces into Alex, so Kara could see them both. ''Hey'', Kara laughed, ''So you were right about Lena'', Kara said in awe. ''You didn't have to call us to tell us that. We know'', Maggie laughed. ''Yep, so what is it really'', Alex added. ''That's it'', Kara looked away from the camera. ''I know you, Kara. What is it'', Alex wouldn't let go. ''Okay, you guys shut up. Don't say a freaking word. When Lena confessed her feelings to me, I thought I'd react differently, but there's just something about her that weakens me every time she's near me. Well, not weakens me, but I get this feeling, and I don't know what it is'', Kara blushed. ''Kara, you've gone through a lot lately, and Lena has helped you a lot. She's your best friend. Your emotions for her are strong. There's nothing to worry about'', Alex made Kara feel more comfortable. ''Probably'', Kara put on a smile, ''It's probably nothing''.

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