Episode 9 - Broken

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''Alex! Maggie! Are you guys home'', Kara shouted broken outside their apartment door, ''Please be home'', Kara fell to her knees. ''Kara'', Alex fell to Kara's eyelevel, ''what happened'', she embraced her baby sister. ''I can't breath'', Kara started hyperventilating ''Kara, you have to calm down'', Alex grabbed Kara's face, ''Maggie, get out here'', Alex shouted into her apartment. Maggie came running out, and helped Alex get Kara into the apartment. ''Kara, breath... You have to breath'', Alex held Kara's arms still, ''try to calm down'', Maggie continued.

''Kara, what happened'', Alex put a blanket and gave her a cup of tea. ''I am so sorry about this you guys, I just-'', Kara covered her face, ''Kara, whatever it is, you can tell us'', Alex said, she could tell something was wrong. ''Lena found out that I am Supergirl'', Kara finally made eye contact with her sister and Maggie, ''And then stuff got really messy'', Kara got teary eyed. ''It would be nice if you were a bit more specific, I mean we get it, but there's more to the story'', Alex dragged the words out of Kara. ''I kissed her, and she doesn't want me anymore....'', Kara choked up, ''like that'', tears rolled down on Kara's cheek. ''Oh, Kara'', Alex gave her a hug, and Maggie joined in on the hugging and comforting, Kara needed them both. She had never been this heart broken. For the first time in her life, she is actually in love.

''Kara, pick up, pick up, pick up'', Lena tried calling Kara for the 20th time. She was so confused, and she didn't know what to do. ''What is happening'', Lena said to herself. She was pacing around her office when Selma entered. ''Hey, babe. You ready'', Selma tried giving Lena a kiss, but she just hugged Selma instead. ''Is everything okay'', Selma questioned, ''I didn't hear you come home yesterday or leave this morning'', she waited for Lena to respond, but the CEO pretended as if nothing was wrong.

The next day there's a knock at Lena's apartment door. ''Alex, what are you doing here'', Lena closed the door behind her. ''I need to speak to you, can I come in'', Alex asked. ''No, I mean my girlfriend is here. I'm gonna get my purse, and we can go get coffee, okay'', Lena lowered her voice. ''Yep, sure. I'll go wait in my car for you'', Alex left.

''So, what's up'', Lena took a sip from her coffee. ''I think you know what I wanna talk about. I usually don't like interfering with other people's problems, or do it at all, but you have to talk to Kara'', Alex made firm eye contact with Lena. ''I tried calling here a thousand times yesterday'', Lena was a bit shaken. ''I know, I accidently looked at her phone. She's been laying on the couch since yesterday, at mine and Maggie's place. I'm afraid she'll never move from the couch. I mean she's my sister and I love her, but I don't want her to stay on my couch forever'', Alex was serious. ''Alex, I don't know what you want me to do'', Lena covered her face. ''Listen, I know that it's complicated for you. But you guys need each other. If you're not gonna be together, you be there for each other. Talk to her'', Alex said encouraging Lena. ''I'm so confused, I-'', Lena started crying, ''I don't want to lose her, and I don't get where all of this is coming from. I told her I was in love with her, and she freaked out. And now, she's'', Lena took a deep breath, ''in love with me'', tears rolled uncontrollably down her cheek. ''She is, and I think you're in love with her too still'', Alex put her hand on Lena's hand. ''I don't know what to do'', Lena looks down at the floor. ''I think you know what to do'', Alex said.

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