Episode 5 - The Woman

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It's been 10 weeks since Lena confessed her feelings for Kara. Kara and Lena have both been busy, but finally Kara have made time to visit her bestie.

''Lena, I brought lunch'', Kara bursted into the Ceo's office, ''Oh, I didn't mean to interrupt'', Kara apologized as Lena already had company. ''No, Kara it's okay'', Lena blushed, ''This is Selma'', the woman stretched out her hand to introduce herself. ''Selma, Lena's girlfriend'', she said. ''Kara, and may I ask since when'', she glanced at Lena. ''We've been dating for a while now'', Selma put her arm around Lena, and Lena looked to the ground. ''Ohh'', Kara was confused, ''Well, that's great'', she felt jealous, but wanted Lena to be happy. ''It is'', Selma kissed Lena's cheek, ''I have to run'', she grabbed her purse and left.

''Girlfriend huh'', Kara made a face at Lena. ''Yeah, she's amazing'', Lena smiled. ''That's not what I meant. Why didn't you tell me about her'', Kara made herself comfortable in the office. ''I was going too, but we haven't seen each other in a while and I wanted to tell you in person'', Lena sat down next to Kara. ''Oh well, so tell me about her'', Kara made interest in her. ''Well, she's a tennis player and a great cook'', Lena went on and on about her new girlfriend, and Kara immediately regret asking at all- she felt jealous. ''Are you okay'', Lena noticed Kara uncomfortableness. ''Yeah, I'm fine. I have to go though'', Kara stood up. ''I thought we were gonna have lunch'', Lena confused with the whole situation. ''Later this week? I suddenly remembered that I had to pick something up at 12pm for my sister'', Kara rushed out of Lena's office without hugging her goodbye – as they usually do.

As Kara left the building, she ran behind it and ''became'' Supergirl. She flew above National City, thinking about what the hell was wrong with her. She was jealous. But she didn't even like Lena, like that. Right? ''What is happening'', Kara shouted into the sky. 

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