Episode 8 - Kara, please don't

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''What in the holy galaxy happened last night'', Kara paced around the apartment. ''I have to go talk to her. What if she's mad, what if she told anyone'', Kara paced into her bedroom and got dressed. And before she knew it, she was standing outside Lena's office door knocking. ''Kara, what a pleasant surprise'', Lena opened her door. ''Lena, I can explain'', Kara followed the Ceo into the office. ''Remove you're glasses'', Lena folded her arms. ''Lena, I'', Kara doesn't want to make it an official reveal. ''Do it'', Lena didn't move. Kara removed her glasses, and unbuttoned her shirt, revealing the great ''S'' on her chest. ''Omg'', Lena turned away from Kara, ''So let me get this straight, I don't tell you that I'm gay, but I do, and you flip, and you keep this secret from me. How is that fair? You didn't have any right to judge me'', Lena raised her voice at Kara, and walked towards her. ''You're totally right. I had no right'', Kara tried calming Lena down, ''But this is different, I did this to protect you'', Kara softened her voice. ''To protect me, wouldn't' that be easier if I actually knew that you are Supergirl'', Lena raised her eyebrows. ''It would, but this is about the people I love. My identity. I put you guys at risk by letting you know that I'm Supergirl. I didn't want to do that to you'', Kara stepped closer to Lena. ''Last night you said you were going to tell me something, was it this'', Lena questioned. ''No'', Kara replied quickly. ''Were you ever planning on telling me'', Lena got teary eyed. ''I swear I was gonna tell, just not now'', Kara tried to hug Lena, but Lena stepped away. ''What was the other thing then'', Lena said. ''Lena, it's nothing'', Kara looked to the floor. ''Nothing? That's great'', Lena was so disappointed. ''You wanna know'', Kara raised her voice. ''I wanna know'', Lena shouted back. ''You don't'', even though Kara didn't wanna complicate Lena's life, she grabbed Lena's face and kissed her lips softly. Lena melted for a second, but then pushed Kara away.

''I don't understand'', Lena was left breathless. ''Well, I don't really either, other than that I'm in love with you'', Kara grabbed Lena's hand. ''Kara'', Lena said with a lack of breath. ''Lena, I wanna be with you. I know I'm late, but you're the only one I think of everyday, the only one I wanna kiss, the only one I wanna hold hands with, you're the only one I wanna be with'', Kara put her hand on Lena's neck. ''Kara, I can't'', Lena broke down, ''I'm with Selma'', Lena couldn't even look at Kara. ''I get it'', Kara let go of Lena, and paced out of her office. ''Kara, I'm sorry'', Lena shouted tearfully after her.

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