Episode 2 - New Beginnings

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''Siri, call Lena Luthor'', Kara was too lazy at the moment to even type in Lena name in the contact list. ''Lena, hey. Have you watched any of the latest episodes of Wynonna Earp'', Kara said as soon as Lena answered the phone. ''Hi, and yes of course I have. Why'', Lena laughed through the phone at Kara's excitement. ''It's so good. Can you believe that Waverly kissed Wynonna, and the demon flew into Wynonna, and Wynonna got possessed? OML! And Nicole and Waverly are so cute'', Kara shouted. ''Kara, calm down. I hope you don't get as obsessed with this as you are with NSYNC'', Lena laughed. ''Well, I might. What you up too'', Kara's mood brightened up. ''I was actually reading the article you wrote about me in Cat Co, Underrated Heroes. Thank you'', Lena said. ''That's what friends are for! But I also wrote the truth. What's your favourite part'', Kara wondered. ''I like the part where you wrote, ''If it hadn't been for Ms. Luthor, there might not have been a place to call home for the citizens of National City right now. She has once again proved that she is a force for good, and it's time that we all recognize and appreciate that'', it was really good writing Kara, and I'm not saying that because it was because of me, I just think that you're really talented'', Lena said, and she could feel Kara blush through the phone. ''Aww, you're so sweet'', Kara replied. ''Hah. Listen Kara, I have to run, but I was wondering if you wanna join me for a conference that I have to attend later? It's at 8pm and I'm gonna talk about saving the city. You being there would mean a lot'', Lena sounded nervous asking Kara about this. ''Yes, of course I'll come. Do you want me to pick you up at your place at 7:30'', Kara was stoked. ''Thanks, and sure''.

''Hey, you look great'', Lena opened the door to a Kara who was a bit overdressed. ''It's not to much is it'', Kara grinned her nose. ''No, you look great'', Lena gazed Kara. ''Thanks, so do you btw. Are you excited'', Kara referred to the conference. ''Yes, but I'm also nervous'', Lena got her jacket and purse. ''Don't be. You'll be great'', Kara was always supportive of Lena. ''Have I ever told you that you're my favourite'', Lena approached Kara with a hug. ''Well, you might have mentioned it a couple of times'', Kara laughed. ''So, do you know who's going to introduce you for this thing'', Kara questioned. ''First I thought it might be Supergirl, but it turns out it's gonna be that cop friend of yours'', Lena and Kara started walking out of the building. ''My sister's girlfriend? Maggie? She failed to mention that last night'', Kara led the way to a cab. ''I think so, Sawyer something'', Lena said. ''Yeah that's her''.

''Citizens of National City, I want to thank you all for coming. It is my honour to introduce to you, the woman who saved us all, Ms. Lena Luthor'', Maggie said as she was standing on the big stage. Lena entered the stage, and for the first time in her life, everyone cheered. No one booed at her. ''Thank you all so much. This is really a great honour for me. My whole life I have struggled with proving that I am good. Never because I did bad things, but because my last name is Luthor. In the future I want to continue to help and work with Supergirl, and save the city, because I have never felt better about myself as I do when I do great things as these. I feel like I have a lot to make up for my family, but my family doesn't define me, and I think that I now have proven that once and for all. For me, it isn't blood that makes you family, it's loyalty. The people around you that stand by your side and always wants what best for you. I have that, only their last name isn't Luthor, and I think that it's important that you people know that, so you know what premises I live on'', Lena said keeping her eyes on Kara the whole time. Winn, James, J'onn, Alex and Maggie were standing next to her, and they were all there to support her. ''As for my personal life I think I owe a few people to be a bit more open. There are people at every age out there that struggles with family and with their sexuality. As a gay woman'', Kara's jaw dropped as Lena's words dropped, ''that has had struggles her whole life, I wanted to tell you that I am finally ready to be the person I've always been meant to be and really make my life easier. My mother, Lillian Luthor, has known about my sexuality my whole life, but because of her I have never felt strong enough to come out. Moving forward I have decided to start a foundation where families with struggles and issues can come to me and my people for help'', Lena stopped looking at Kara. She could feel Kara's shock from the audience. ''Omg, she never mentioned this to me'', Kara whispered to Winn, and walked off.

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