Episode 18 - The Interview

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''Yes, this is she'', Lena replied. ''Ms. Luthor, thank you for answering. We were wondering if you and Ms. Danvers would like to show up for an interview tomorrow morning? Giving you both the chance to tell your part of the story'', the woman on the other side asked politely. Lena thought about the whole situation for a minute. This would make her feel better, she really didn't want people to think of her as a cheater. ''I'll show, but I'm gonna have to ask Kara if she wants to go as well. If you can just hold on for a sec'', Lena replied as she put the call on hold. ''Kara, will you join me for an interview tomorrow at Good Morning National City? PLEASE'', Lena said. ''Lena, I don't really feel like it'' Kara whined. ''Please? It'll be good for us both, and how we portray our relationship'', Lena begged. Kara eventually gave in, and they accepted the interview tomorrow at 9 am.
The next day, both Lena and Kara put on fancy clothes and headed to the location of the interview.
''Lena, I'm really nervous'', Kara said right before they were to go on stage. ''Kara'', Lena wrapped her arms around her, ''it'll me fine. I can do most of the talking if you like? Just breathe and if you get nervous, just reach for my hand. I'm right next to'', Kara felt much safer with Lena's comforting words.

''Please welcome to the stage, one of the most powerful women in the city, Ms. Lena Luthor, and a very highly rated reporter and writer, Ms. Kara Danvers'', the woman encouraged the audience. Both Lena and Kara entered the stage, and were greeted with a hug from the host.
After the small talks and hello's, the host got to the point of the whole interview.
''You two ladies have been in the spotlight for the last 24hrs, can ya'll tell me, how's it going''
''Well, we can't say that the publicity has been easy, or like this whole situation'', Lena replied, ''we try to just make the best out of, a not so good situation for some people''
''Ms. Luthor if I may ask, you say that this has not been easy? Well, tell me more about your side of the story. We all know Selma's story, and we do feel for her'', the woman continued.
''Well, I first want to say, I had no intention of hurting Selma. I care very much for her, and the way everything happened, should have been avoided. In my defence, I didn't plan for this to happen, like any of it, who does'', Lena took a deep breath before continuing, ''Kara and I, we have a long history. We met a couple of years ago, and quickly became close. I realised early in our friendship, that it was more to it for me. It was just something about her. She made me feel things I had never felt before. And it wasn't easy for me. I was a closeted woman, who had feelings for my best friend. I met Selma awhile after coming out, and un-intentionally I let her come close to me and comfort me as I also mourned my friendship with Kara. I told Kara my feelings, and she hadn't then realised her feelings for me, and we went through a tough patch. As I said, I met Selma, and she became someone I could just rest and rely on, especially when I needed comfort or didn't wanna be alone. It sounds awful, I know, but believe me, I never wanted to hurt her or get her involved in my shit'', Lena looked over at Kara, ''It's no excuse to what I did. Sometimes people make mistakes, but what can you do when the love of your life tells you that she loves you back'', Lena grabbed Kara's hand and giving her a soft look, she was pleased with the way she was able to portray it all.
''I understand, and truly believe that there was no harm intended'', the interviewer continued, ''Ms. Danvers, can you tell us a little bit about your situation''
Kara squeezed Lena's hand, and gave it a go. ''I agree with Lena. It's as she said, the whole situation is a bit messed up. I believe that no one doesn't ever really wanna hurt someone, you just do what you believe is right. In this situation, it's like that. Both Lena and I struggled with the way everything went down. And It took me awhile to realise my feelings, and it ended up with Lena and I following our feelings. Our guts told us, you are doing the right thing for YOU. And with us following our feelings, concentrating on us, we didn't really think of anyone else. No matter where we looked or went, it was always just us two, and it's always been this way, really. I must add, as a 'human'being, I know you can't always act on emotion. Sometimes you do, sometimes you don't. Sometimes it's right, and sometimes it's not right. But I want to make it clear, that this time we did do it, and it was right. I have no regrets when it comes to Lena and I'', Kara took a deep breath, realising and processing everything she had just said. Lena sat there, surprised over the confidence Kara had just shown, making her hold a tighter grip.
''Interesting case this, ladies'', the woman smiled, ''I can clearly see though, that you two are very much in love, no doubt in that'', Lena and Kara nodded thankfully as the audience sheered them on, "and thank you for coming! Good luck, ladies".

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