Episode 6 - C. O. N. F. U. S. I. O. N.

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''Maggie, thank you for coming'', Kara had invited Maggie for a little chat at the Alien Bar. ''No problem, little Danvers. What can I do for you'', Maggie smiley as always. ''This may sound a bit out of the blue, but how did you know you're gay'', Kara put on a smile. ''Um, how did you know you're straight'', Maggie laughed. Kara looked down at the table. ''Oh, well I fell in love with this girl at my school, and I just never had any interest in men, and that hasn't changed'', Maggie said confidently. ''Okay, so you weren't like Alex, men first and then you'', Kara blurted out. ''May I say, you know that Alex didn't feel comfortable with men. They were her beard until she figured out that they actually were, but then again, dating wasn't really her thing'', Maggie defended her fiancée, ''And btw, we're not here to talk about Alex'', Maggie said polite. ''Right'', Kara felt pale. ''Why are we here'', Maggie wondered. ''I am just confused about Lena'', Kara said without thinking what it sounds like. ''You have feelings for her'', Maggie raised her voice. ''What, no! What I mean is that she didn't really explain anything to me, and I'm trying to understand'', Kara lied. ''If you say so'', Maggie's attention went elsewhere as Alex entered the bar. ''Well you two have fun. You got a date'', Kara laughed. ''Actually we do'', Maggie waved Alex over. ''Have fun'', Kara gave Maggie a quick hug and left. ''Hey sis, bye sis'', Kara passed Alex. Alex just looked at Kara in weird way. ''What was Kara doing here'', Alex sat down next to Maggie. ''You're going to find this very interesting'', Maggie smirked. ''What'', Alex got nervous.

''Kara, are you home'', Alex knocked on Kara apartment door. ''Alex, what are you doing here'', Kara pretended as if nothing was wrong. ''Don't play this game with me. Did you think that Maggie wouldn't tell me'', Alex walked towards Kara. ''What? Tell you what'', Kara folded her arms. ''That you're head over heals in love with Lena'', Alex shouted. ''WH—at?! I never said that'', Kara's face dropped. ''Kara, you can tell me truth. Why all of a sudden, you know, this interest in sexuality and Lena'', Alex wouldn't drop it. ''I-I'', Kara fell down on the floor, ''I don't know what's going on with me'', Kara's eyes got watery. ''Kara, what do you mean'', Alex approached Kara. ''I think- I think I have feelings for Lena'', Kara broke as the words dropped. ''Hey, hey- It's okay'', Alex wiped Kara's tears away, ''Why don't you just tell her, I mean, she likes you'', Alex smiled. ''You don't understand. She's with someone else'', Kara covered her face. ''Kara, it doesn't mean that she's over you'', Alex tries to cheer up her little sister.

''So, does this mean that you like ladies, you're a lady loving ladies'', Alex smirked. ''Alex, I don't know. I mean, Lena, yes. But I'm not sure about other women'', Kara had gotten her feels together. ''Okay, okay. This is outstanding'', Alex said in excitement, ''And I want you to know that I support you and I'll be by your side. No. Matter. What'', Alex gave Kara a soft face. ''Thank you'', Kara said a bit choked up.

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