Episode 11 - Lies

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'' Where were you'', Selma said as Lena entered their apartment. ''I ran late at the office'', Lena glanced at her watch, which showed 02:08am. ''I called Jess at around 11pm, she said that you left early in the afternoon, so where were you'', Selma raised her voice. Lena's pulse rose. Lena looked down into her purse, where she had two tickets to an opera event next week. Lena grabbed the tickets. ''Well, it was going to be a surprise, but since you busted me'', Lena handed over the tickets. ''What is this'', Stella said with a smile on her face. ''Tickets to that opera show you wanted to go see so badly'', Lena smiled. ''You spent 8-9 hours getting these'', Stella hesitated. ''Well, the que was pretty intense, and I had a couple of drinks with Kara, Maggie and Alex before I got here as well, they helped me plan our 3 month anniversary in two days, that's what the tickets are for as well'', Lena lied. She had actually gotten the tickets for free, and she just remembered that it was their anniversary. She hadn't spent a single minute the last 48 hours thinking about Stella. What a mess. ''That explains everything, thank you'', Stella walked towards Lena and leaned in for a kiss, but Lena looked away and gave her a hug instead. ''Of course'', Lena replied. ''Oh, and babe, tomorrow morning I'm leaving for work in Meteropolis. I'll be back the next day'', Stella said as she left the room and went to bed. ''Night'', Lena shouted after her in a voice of relief.
The next morning Lena woke up with no one by her side. She grabs her phone, and calls Kara. The phone rings for a while before Kara answers at the other end. ''Hi'', Kara says right away. ''Hey, what are you doing today'', Lena says softly. ''Ummm, nothing actually. Why, what you thinking'', Kara questioned. ''Can I come over'', Lena asked gently. ''Well, today is your lucky day, because, I don't have work'', Kara said excited. ''Is that a yes'', Lena laughed. ''Yes'', Kara said loudly.
An hour later there was a knock at Kara Danvers' door. She used her heat vision to see who it was. ''Hey, you look amaz..'', but before Kara could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by Lena smashing her lips against hers. ''So do you'', Lena broke the kiss.
''Why did you dress up'', Kara questioned Lena's fancy pants and well done hair. ''Well, you should get ready. I am taking you out on a date'', Lena gave Kara a peck. ''But it's not really a date is it'', Kara grinned her face. ''Why would you say that'', Lena grabbed Kara's hand. ''Because your girlfriend is called Selma, not Kara'', Kara looked down to the floor. ''Kara, we can still be out in public together. Besides, I have my own plan for everything, so don't worry'', Lena lifted Kara's chin up and kissed her softly, and followed it up with a hug. ''Just wear whatever you want, you look beautiful no matter what'', Lena whispered into Kara's ear. They let go of each other, and Kara went to get ready.
''Where are we going'', Kara was blindfolded as Lena lead her into a building. ''Wait and see'', Lena said. 3 minutes later Lena unfolded the blindfold, and Kara immediately recognized the place. ''What are we doing in my sisters apartment'', Kara questioned. ''The story is that I kind of sent them to Hawaii for a week, and Alex gave me the key'', Lena put on a smile on her face, ''So, what do you think'', she added. Kara gazed around the apartment and noticed the dinner table all set, ready for them both to eat and drink, lit with candles and decorated with candles.
''The food was amazing'', Kara grabbed Lena's hand, ''Thank you'', she added and leaned in to kiss Lena. ''You should thank your sister, she made all of this'', Lena laughed. Kara laughed. ''Have I ever told you how much I love you'', Kara got up from her chair and dragged Lena of her chair. ''Well you may have mentioned it a couple of times'', Lena gazed at Kara. ''Well'', Kara kissed Lena's neck, ''I love you'', Kara continued to kiss Lena's neck. ''Kara... I love you'', Lena could barely speak, because the sparkles was about to take over her body. Kara made her way to Lena's lips and kissed her with passion. ''Kara, I-I feel like we shouldn't go any further in your sister's apartment'', Lena pushed Kara away a little. Kara then took a good grip around Lena, and lifted her up. She then in a blink flew out of the apartment and out into the sky. ''Kara, where are you taking me'', but before Lena finished her sentence they were already standing in Kara's livingroom. ''Kara, I'', but Kara cut her off. ''Lena, I need you to stop talking and look at me'', Kara tilted Lena's chin. As Lena looked into Kara's eyes, Kara immediately smashed her lips on Lena's. They passionately made out for a while before Lena started to kiss Kara's neck, and then pulled up her shirt and kissed her abs. Lena returned to Kara's lips, but Kara wanted Lena to go further. ''Are you sure'', Lena asked. Kara nodded and kissed Lena gently. And that night, Lena and Kara's souls melted together and became one.
The next morning, Kara woke up and turned to Lena so she could wrap her arms around her loved one. But the other half of the bed was empty. Kara searched the bed for a note, but Lena had left her with nothing. No message on her phone, not a note and she didn't say goodbye. Kara entered the livingroom, and at that same time Lena came through the front door with a bag of food and coffee. Kara took a deep breath as Lena came walking towards her to give her a kiss. ''What'', Lena said. She noticed something was up. ''Nothing, I just- I thought you left'', Kara stuttered. ''No, no, I went and got us something to eat'', Lena softly hugged Kara. ''I'm just afraid of losing you'', Kara stumbled. ''Kara, you don't have to be afraid of that'', Lena pushed Kara away a little to look in her eyes, ''I love you'', Lena gave Kara a peck. ''I love you too'', Kara looked away, ''and I can't stand the fact that I am not the only one who does'', Kara stepped away. ''Kara, you're the only one for me'', Lena grabbed her hand, ''and I'm going to end things with Selma, just not today'', Lena lowered her voice with that last sentence. ''Why not today'', Kara raised her eyebrows. ''It's our 3 month anniversary'', Lena almost couldn't say it. ''So you had the most romantic night with me yesterday, and then you're going to have the most romantic night tonight as well with a different woman'', Kara let go of Lena's hand. ''Kara, she hasn't touched me after you and I became something, I swear'', Lena begged Kara with her words to understand. But before Kara was able to answer, Lena's phone rang. ''I have to go'', Lena said, ''I have to be home when Selma get's there'', she continued. ''Yup'', Kara looked to the floor. Lena walked towards Kara to give her a kiss, but Kara gave her the cheek instead. Lena grabbed her stuff, and walked towards the door, but before she left, she turned to Kara, ''I love you more than I love anyone else, and nothing or no one is going to change that'', Lena closed the door behind her, and Kara was left speechless.

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