Episode 13 - The park

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''You have no idea how much I've missed you'', Kara said to Lena. They were laying next to each other in Kara's bed, face to face and they could feel each others heartbeat. As Kara's words hit Lena, Lena scooped closer to Kara. ''I've thought that it's impossible to love you more, but every moment we're together, I just do'', Lena looks at Kara as she says the words. Kara responds with a soft kiss. ''Not more than I love you'', she added. The lovebirds continued kissing, when suddenly they were interrupted by Lena's cellphone.
''Don't answer it'', Kara held on to Lena, but the phone kept ringing, and Lena had to answer it. ''Selma, what's wrong'', Lena said concerned over the phone. Kara watched as Lena put her clothes on in a rush getting ready to leave Kara. ''Selma needs me, I have to go'', Lena kissed Kara's hand, but Kara pulled back, ''So do I'', she said. ''Kara, we've talked about this'', Lena kissed Kara quickly and left the hero hanging.
The next day, Lena woke up next to her official girlfriend, but the first person to come to her mind was Kara. ''Selma, I promised I'd meet Kara for a quick cup of coffee before work'', Lena got dressed and rushed out of the apartment.
''Kara, over here'', Lena waved her over to a bench she had found deep in the woods of the park in National City. The blonde sat next to the woman she had sat up thinking about whole night. Lena got up, ''I'm sorry'', she said and grabbed Kara's face and kissed her with more meaning than ever. As Kara and Lena had their arms around each other, a familiar face came running in their direction. It was Selma having her morning jog. Selma stopped at a reasonable distance and just watched her girlfriend in someone else's arms. After a few minutes of shock, Selma started running again, away from Lena and Kara. All kinds of thoughts went through her head. For all she knew, they were just friends apparently not. Selma stopped after a while and sad loud to herself, ''So this is why she's been spending so much time with Kara'', she sat down on the ground and just fell apart not caring about the people around her.

(Some eps are shorter... sorry. And yeah, IM BACK)

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