Episode 17 - EX

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''Snapper'', Kara paced into his office, ''what on earth do you think you're doing'', she said, Lena folded her arms next to her. ''Ms. Danvers, first of all, I'm your boss, second of all I'll make this story short for you.  Ms. Luthor here, she's one of the most powerful women in National City, if not the most powerful one, and you have written multiple articles about her, you know, since you're a popular journalist. And I'm not going to lie, this will be a biggie'', Snapper had a nasty smirk on his face. Kara shook her head, and turned around to leave, ''Oh and Ms. Danvers, you could have had a saying in this, but you know, you decided to have your vacation early this year'', Snapper waved her out of Cat Co.

Later when the evening arrived, both Lena and Kara's phones buzzed, a new issue from Cat Co had been published. ''Lena, I'm freaking out, this is weird'', Kara flipped. ''Kara, take a deep breath, and then let's read it together. It'll be fine'', Lena wrapped her arms around Kara. ''Okay, yeah, let's do this'', Kara said as she took a deep breath.
''Luthor's ex tells it all''
''What the hell'', Kara shouted. She was referring to the photo of them both kissing. They both remembered where and when this was. ''Agh this can't be good'', Lena said with a worried voice. They read through the issue together. ''No wonder Snapper wanted to publish this.. She spills the tea real good I must say'', Kara laughed. ''Well there isn't really any bad parts in there about us, I guess'', Lena said following up with, ''I mean if you look away from the fact that I cheated on her'', Lena paused for a sec. ''This is all just so messed up.. I would never cheat really, and with you I-'', Kara stopped Lena's ''feel bad talk'' by embracing her with a hug. ''Lena, you don't have to explain'', Kara held her tight. They stood there, holding each for a while, before both of there phones started buzzing like crazy.
''Good morning, National City'', Lena said confused as she looked up the number calling her. Kara hung up her phone after talking to Alex who was confused af. ''What's happening'', they both said in choir.

(I'm sorry this is like the shortest chapter ever. I just needed to put it all together)

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