Episode 15 - Her

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''Alex'', Kara yelled, as she knocked on Alex and Maggie's apartment door before she just collapsed against the wall. Alex came running out, finding Kara totally drowning in her own tears. She had never let herself feel as much as she did with Lena. ''Kara, what happened'', Alex wrapped her arms around her sister. The question just brought more tears to Kara's eyes. ''Maggie, can you please help get her inside, she can't stay out here'', Alex needed Maggie's help, because Kara didn't even want to stand on her feet. When the two ladies finally got the broken hero into their apartment, Kara let herself feel even more. She was so broken, you could hear the sound of her heart breaking into a million pieces.
''Kara, I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong'', Alex held Kara who was all crawled up on the couch. ''I broke up with Lena'', Kara said and started crying again. ''Okay, do you want to tell me what happened'', Alex held on tighter to her little sister. ''I just couldn't live with the thought of sharing her with someone else'', Kara said with a shaky voice, ''and it was just all too hard for me. It all felt worthless, even though I-'', Kara could barely speak, it was so hard for her, ''I love her'', Kara tried keeping it together. ''Listen, Kara, I know that Lena was with Selma. But the last time I spoke to Lena, I confronted her about this whole situation. She's totally faithful to you, and I know'', Alex lifted Kara's chin to look her straight in the eye, '' that she loves you too'', Alex didn't know what to do for her heartbroken baby sister. ''but I guess if you feel that this is the right decision, then I support you. But I just don't understand, you guys seemed to have it figured out. I thought Lena was going to end things with Selma'', Alex was confused about the whole situation. ''Alex, I just didn't know anything anymore'', Kara pushed Alex away and paced into the bathroom.
2 weeks later, Kara was still on her sister's couch, and she wouldn't leave. She didn't want to face the real world. Both CatCo and The Deo had called her multiple times to check if she was coming into work, but she had Alex call in sick for her. Alex didn't know what to do, she and Maggie had talked multiple times about the situation, and they didn't like the solution they always end up with. ''Alex, you have to talk to Lena. I see no end with this, they have to figure it out'', Maggie said to Alex, they had an argument in their bedroom. ''I know that it might be the only solution, but it's not really our business. What if Kara doesn't want me to talk to her'', Alex was stated about the situation. ''I don't think you can think about what Kara wants or doesn't want. We've tried for 2 weeks to get her off that couch, to talk to her and to get her to think about something else, nothing works. I've never seen her like this. You have to try, at least, I mean hear Lena's version or whatever'', Maggie comforted Alex with a soft hug before they were interrupted by Kara's voice in the livingroom. ''Why are you guys in the bathroom'', Kara shouted at them again. ''We'll be right out'', Alex shouted back. ''So, you talk to Lena, and I'll keep Kara company. Just say that you have some stuff to do at the DEO or something'', Maggie gave Alex a quick kiss, before they went on with the plan.
''Alex Danvers, you're about the last person I expected to see at my doorstep'', Lena said surprised when she opened the door. ''Can we talk'', Alex asked politely. ''Of course, come in'', Lena invited Alex in. ''How are you doing, Lena'', Alex said as she sat down by the kitchen table. ''Not so good, I'm trying to focus on other things, but it's hard'', Lena poured Alex a cup of coffee. ''Well, I'm glad to see that you're up walking'', Alex took a sip from her coffee, ''Kara, she's not doing well. She hasn't left my apartment since the break-up. She won't do anything. She can't move on from this'', Alex could see that her words hurt Lena. ''Alex, she broke it off with me. I don't know how much I can do'', Lena said. ''Well, I don't understand if you love Kara more than Selma, why you're still with Selma'', Alex asked. ''I'm not with Selma, I broke up with her. And that was what I was trying to tell Kara when we broke up, that I was going to end things with Selma, but she wouldn't listen'', Lena was frustrated. ''So, you're not with Selma'', Alex questioned. ''No, you see you guys don't understand why it took me forever to end things with Selma. She had stuff to deal with, and it was hard for me to leave her alone. The whole situation is just wrong in so many ways, and it may sound like I cheated on her because she had stuff, but that's not the case. I had a great time with Selma. And I didn't mean for any of it to happen, but it was Kara. It's always gonna be Kara'', Lena got teary eyed, ''She's the one''. Alex didn't know what to say. When she went to see Lena, she didn't really know what to expect. Alex got up from her chair, and walked t

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