Chapter Two

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It's been a week since the argument at the grocery store between the two single parents. As the week passed by, they thought more and more about how irritated they still were at each other.

In fact, they maybe even hated each other. Though, they were very unsure since it was just one problem.

Just as Jordan rolled around in bed, her alarm went off. Great, she thought in her head. Jordan was not excited for today at all.

It's the day that her Spiderman-loving daughter goes to school.

She was glad that the school let her go this year even though she was only four. Though, Kamryn's birthday was early in the year which was probably why they accepted.

Jordan swung her foot over and slowly sat up, lightly struggling.

She made her way to Kamryn's room and opened her room door which creaked softly. Jordan really needs to tell her dad to fix that, but forgets every time he comes around.

Jordan walked over to the side of her bed and sat down at the edge.

"Kamryn, baby. Wake up! It's your first day of school!" Jordan tried to sound somewhat happy even though deep down, she wasn't.

She was happy that it was her first day of school, but she was not happy that she won't have her around while she works at home. She was going to miss Kamryn bothering her every twenty minutes even if it drove her crazy at times.

Jordan watched as Kamryn pouted with her eyes closed like she was going to cry. The small girl didn't want to go to school.

Jordan chuckled, "c'mon, Kamryn. You'll have a fun time at school." She assured her daughter who didn't seem to care when she groaned after her mom finished her sentence.

"You'll only be there for five hours then I'll come pick you up and we can have ice cream after school." Jordan persuaded, knowing that her daughter would want that.

One of Kamryn's eyes opened as the other stayed shut.

"Really?" She asked and Jordan nodded.

"Sounds good to me!" Kamryn shot up from bed and ran over to her closet.

"What am I wearing today?" Jordan watched as Kamryn rubbed her eyes slowly. She smiled, her daughter was truly adorable with even the smallest things she did.

"Well, let's see," Jordan stood up and looked through Kamryn's wardrobe.

Jordan pulled out a white tank top and a black cardigan. Kamryn went over to her bed and put the clothes down so she could take off her Spiderman pajamas.

Jordan kneeled down on the floor and pulled out denim shorts from the bottom drawer.

She tossed it onto Kamryn's bed and reached into the closet again to grab her shoes.

Jordan pulled out her black Old Skool Vans and set them before her feet.

"Remember what I taught you, right?" Jordan asked and Kamryn mumbled in response, still tired.

"Good. I'll be downstairs making you some cereal. If you need help with your shoes, I'll help." Jordan smiled lightly before exiting her daughter's room.

Ethan randomly came into her mind again and she rolled her eyes at the thought of the argument they had.

She grabbed Kamryn's favorite spoon; her pastel pink one, and set it in the bowl.

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