Chapter Fifteen

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Ethan knocked on Jordan's door with a smile on his face.

The kids were at school, Jordan was at home and Ethan was at home.

Except, Ethan was bored. He danced around to music as he thought about what to do. Jordan on the other hand was sleeping peacefully.

After a while of waiting outside, Ethan decided to call her. A few rings and she finally picked up.

"Hello?" Jordan said groggily.

Ethan smiled to himself, "did I wake you?"

"Yeah, but it's okay. I probably should wake up now. What time is it anyways..."

"Holy shit, twelve in the afternoon!"

"Yeah uh, I'm kind of outside of your house right now. Can you open the door please?"

"They key is stuffed in the fake dirt of the plant." She yawned on the other side of the phone. Ethan looked to the plant and began to look through the fake dirt.

"Oh okay I got it. I'll be in the family room." Ethan informed before hanging up.

He opened the door once he got in and stuffed the key back into its place. He took his Nike slides off and took a seat on the couch.

Ethan didn't understand much on why he was there, but he knew he wanted company.

Plus, he heard the door slam shut when he was dancing around the house.

After a while of Ethan sitting while on his phone, Jordan came downstairs.

"Morning." Ethan told her without looking up from his phone.

"Morning, Eth." She walked into the kitchen and grabbed the bowl of grapes from the refrigerator.

She then made her way over next to Ethan and plopped down onto the couch next to him, almost making the grapes fall out of the bowl.

"Woah chill out there, babe."

Jordan almost spit the grapes she filled her mouth with at Ethan.

He simply smiled which caused her to chew down onto the grapes quickly.

"What do you wanna do today?" Jordam asked, dodging the fact that ethan called her babe, again.

Ethan shrugged his shoulders, "school ends at two. What could we do in two hours?"

"There's many things. We're no longer teenagers though, so there's not much we could do on our own without the kids."

Ethan sighed and leaned back against the couch with his eyes closed, "then let's just have a nice conversation."

Jordan looked at him confused, "really?"

Ethan nodded his head, "mhm." He hummed against his lips.

"What do you wanna talk about?" Jordan asked as she set the yellow glass bowl of grapes on the coffee table.


Jordan quickly swallowed her grapes, not even caring if she hadn't bit into them.

"Really?" She said again, feeling herself get embarrassed.

"You said that twice in the last ten seconds."

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