Chapter Twenty One

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Jordan smiled a big smile as she waved off to the two kids. They took their seats in the classroom and waved back.

Before turning around, she watched as Ethan did a small little dance before they both walked off.

"What are you up to after this, princess?" Ethan questioned as he latched his hands with Jordan.

Jordan grinned, "you up for a small little date?"

"It depends. If it's a date with you, no thanks." Ethan rolled his eyes playfully.

Jordan laughed and gave him a small nudge, "let's have a fun day so we can tell the kids all about it again."

"I'm always down to tease them. You wanna get some food first? We can do something afterwards." Ethan suggested.

"Yes, I'm starving."


They walked out of the small cafe hand in hand.

"Can you believe her?" Jordan scoffed as they got into the car. Ethan smiled cockily, "no need to be so jealous, baby."

"You're telling me not to be jealous? Hm, remember Nathaniel, from like last month?" She smirked.

Ethan groaned, "yeah. Whatever, fine."

"Let's get ice cream. It's so hot." Jordan said as she looked out the window.

"It's only hot because you're here."

"Stop being such a cheeseball."

"You know you like it."


"You didn't say that last night."

Jordan's cheeks flushed a bright red and she bit down on the inside of her cheek.

"Just pay attention to the road."

"How about round two after ice cream?"

"Are you serious?"


"Alright, I guess."


The couple sat down across from each other in the booth at the ice cream parlor.

Ethan watched as Jordan excitedly ate her ice cream from the medium-sized cup.

"Why didn't you get the cone? You're so boring." Ethan spoke after a few minutes of them enjoying their own ice creams.

"Cones are messy." She shrugged and took a spoonful of her cookie dough ice cream.

Ethan shook his head, "mine is not messy." He lifted up his ice cream to show her.

"I'm pretty sure it's melting onto your fingers, Ethan." He looked down to see some of his ice cream melted onto his fingers.

"Shucks." He muttered and reached for a napkin.

"You need help?" Jordan asked after watching him struggle with wiping his fingers and the small puddles of pistachio ice cream on the table.

"I've got it." Ethan stuck his tongue out and rested it up at his top lip.

Th small bell rang which signaled that someone had walked in.

Jordan and Ethan looked towards the door to see Cindy and Grayson.

"What the." Ethan chuckled as they walked over to them after waving.

"Hey guys, on a date?" Grayson smirked and gave Ethan a small shoulder nudge.

Ethan laughed, "is it wrong for me to take my girlfriend on dates, brother?"

"Wait what!" Cindy said almost shouting.

Grayson's eyes were wide, "you never told me shit, Ethan. What the heck!"

"Sorry...I sort of forgot."

They sat down with them at the booth and they all got into a conversation.

this is short because school gmfu.
but thank you so fucking much for everything, honest. like it's so insane.

enjoy these photos of me lol


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