Chapter Five

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As Jordan walked down the hall to drop her daughter off, Ethan was there again. This time he was just standing near the doorway on his phone.

Jordan ignored him and continued to say goodbye to Kamryn. When she was done, she turned around to see Ethan standing there, looking at her.

She raised an eyebrow confused while Ethan just continued to stare at her. "Is it okay if chance stays by a little after four?" She asked, trying to break the uncomfortable silence.

I don't think I'm gonna have much work anyway? Or do I?

"Of course. What time?" Ethan started to walk away. Jordan furrowed her eyebrows, wondering if she was supposed to follow him.

After a few seconds of thinking to herself, she noticed Ethan was now far away.

"Oh shit." She muttered and quickly caught up with him.

"Dude, you can't just leave like that if someone is asking you something." She panted out of breath.

Ethan looked over at her and chuckled, "I don't care. It worked out as I wanted it to." Jordan tilted her head a bit and looked at him, confused, again.

"What are you talking about?"

"I wanted you to follow me here." He said, not looking at her. Ethan kept his eyes forward as they walked to the parking lot.

"Ethan just freaking tell me what the hell you're doing. I don't want to solve this shit." Jordan complained.

Ethan just let out a laugh.

"I'm gonna pick him up at seven." Jordan put down the annoyance she felt over Ethan's weird act and nodded.

"You're not going to ask why?"

Jordan gave him a weird look as they approached her car, "no? I don't care about whatever's happening in your lame life." She smiled.

"My life is interesting." He argued. Jordan snorted as she opened her car door.

"Whatever you say." Ethan hurried over to her side of the car and she rolled down the window.

"I see we switched places." She jokes but Ethan doesn't laugh. She then shut her mouth and kept her lips in a flat line, Ethan looked mad.

"You're ridiculous. Please move or I will punch you, drag you in front of my car, and then run you over." Jordan smiled sweetly.

"Jesus christ, you're evil." He mumbled and backed away.

"And you're extra." She recklessly backed out of her stall and drove away.

"Damn you, Ethan. You extra ass bitch!" She muttered under breath, but shouted at the cuss word.

"Why do you always find a way to irritate the shit out of me?" She talked to herself.

As she drove home, Ethan got into his car and began driving to Grayson's house.

"Day five of getting her irritated at me, check!" Ethan grinned to himself.

"And early in the morning? That's like a freaking bonus!" Ethan talked to himself excitedly at his accomplishment.

Ethan doesn't care about the whole grocery-shopping-kid-raising-stupid incident anymore. He's way past it, so now he likes to just irritate her because it's fun.

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