Chapter Eleven

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Jordan's eyes slowly made it's way to the side of her to see a man staring at her.

He let out an awkward cough and faced the other way as he noticed that Jordan saw him.

Jordam sneaked to get a look at him better.

Not gonna lie, this guy is fucking hot.

Jordan took a deep breath and secretly made herself presentable. After a few moments of awkward tension between the two, the man walked up to her.

"I'm sorry but I just have to say this. You're a beautiful woman."

Jordan's cheeks turned a bright red, "thank you." She squeaked out.

How fucking embarrassing. Why don't you fall over on your face while your at it? Maybe it'll even out with the cut on your cheek!'

The man laughed, "I'm Nathaniel."

"Jordan's the name." Jordan felt as if she was ready to jump off a building because of how embarrassing and cringe she was being.

"Are you free tomorrow night? We should hang out or something." He asked her with a slight smirk on his face.

Jordan nodded her head, "free as ever."

She mentally face-palmed herself for two reasons. One, she sounds like a complete idiot right now. Two, she didn't even ask Ethan if he could watch Kamryn so it would be hard for her to go out.

Wait a minute...where are they anyway?

As if on time, the three came from around the corner with snacks in their hands. "Mommy!" Kamryn cheered and ran over to Jordan.

Jordan smiled, "Kamryn meet Nathaniel. Nathaniel meet my daughter, Kamryn."

Kamryn shyly stuck her hand out which Nathaniel shook lightly with a smile.

"Nathaniel is my new friend I guess." Jordan chucked. Jordan turned around to see Ethan staring at her.

She raised her eyebrows at him.

He stood still, his jaw was clenched, and the bags of snacks he was squeezing looked like it was about to burst open.

"Chance, stay here with Kams. I'm going to check up on whatever your dad's deal is." Jordan sighed.

"I'm sorry Nathaniel. My friend just seems to be in angry right now." She apologized.

Nathaniel smiled, "it's fine."

Jordan walked over to Ethan and stood in front of him.

"Okay, what's going on here?" She waved her index finger in front of Ethan's face.

"Who's the guy?" He nodded his head towards the back of Jordan, at Nathaniel.

Jordan let out a laugh, "Nathaniel? He's just some guy I met like a few minutes ago."

"Why? What did he say to you?"

Jordan glanced down at the bags he had in his hand, it was going to explode, literally.

She placed her hand on top of his and took the bags out of his hand. "Why are you getting so mad, Eth?"

"I'm not mad."

"You flex your muscles when you're mad, Ethan. You can't fool me." Jordan grabbed onto his arm where his muscles were flexed and gave it a squeeze.

"Ethan, hello? Look at me." His eyes were still focused on the guy behind her.

The kids were playing with the small toys on the shelf, not caring about whatever was going on. Jordan looked towards Nathaniel who looked frightened, and tried to mind his own business.

Jordan sighed and put the bags on the shelf.

She tip-toed and placed her hands on Ethan's shoulders.

"Jesus look at me, Ethan."

His eyes flicked to Jordan's and they stared at each other.

"Tell me why you're mad, E."

"Because you're my friend."

Jordan chuckled, "so it means I can't have any other friends?"

"Well you can. Just not guys—that I don't know."

"Do you have an explanation?"

"Damn it, Jordan!"

"You're mine,"

Jordan's cheeks were turned red again and began to heat up like someone had a lighter right below them. Her stomach had a roller coaster with wild animals riding it this time.

"there's no further explanation than that alright? Let's just leave."

A smile crept onto her lips slowly. Jordan let go of Ethan's shoulders as it relaxed.

"Then let's go." She smiled.

Ethan grabbed the bags and they quickly leave the store after paying.

Did I really just say that? Holy shit. What did I just do? What did she think when I said that? Scratch that, what the fuck was I thinking.

Ethan thought to himself as he nervously walked towards the check out with Jordan and the two kids.

You're mine. Ethan just fucking said that. Oh my god, shit! Does that mean he's mine too? What does this even mean, Jordan freaked out on the inside.

They got their items while in an awkward silence and headed to the car.

Both single parents, had a feeling they'd no longer be single parents.

oh my fucking shit.
i'm actually freaking out.
is it too early for it?
whatever fuck it because yalo.

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