Chapter Three

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It was now ten minutes before school ended so both single parents made their way to wait at the school.

A few seconds after Ethan pulled into the school, Jordan did. She got out of her car and walked over to her daughter's class.

As she walked, she seen the man already waiting there. Are you freaking serious, she thought in her head.

She rolled her eyes and continued to walk towards the class anyways.

Jordan was here for Kamryn, not Ethan. She could easily ignore him while she waits.

She stopped a few feet away from where Ethan was leaning up against the wall and peeped his head into the classroom every few seconds to check on Chance.

Ethan couldn't believe what he was seeing. His son and Jordan's daughter were talking to each other as they colored.

Jordan wanted to see what Ethan was looking at too since his eyes went wide before he peeked inside the class again.

She walked over on the other side of the door which was across Ethan.

He then stuck his head out when the teacher looked towards the door because Chance was laughing and pointing at his dad.

"You." Ethan groaned as he rolled his eyes.

"Oh suck it up and stop being such a damn baby," she snapped at him.

"I wouldn't need to if you would just stay away from me." Ethan told her.

"You obviously haven't gotten this through your tiny brain yet," she started.

"I'm here for my daughter, asshole. Our kids have the same class, what do you expect?" Jordan whisper shouted and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Or maybe, you're also here because you like me. You just can't stay away from me." Ethan smirked, unaware of how stupid he actually sounded.

"There's nothing for me to like." Jordan spat.

"There's not much going on here also." Ethan shrugged while gesturing his finger towards her.

"You're a real dick."

"It's a big one too."

"You're disgusting. Just get away already."

"I was here first, idiot."

"Fine. I'm gonna be the responsible parent here and move so I won't have to listen to your child-like whining." Jordan smiled innocently and began to back away.

Ethan squinted his eyes and he grabbed onto her wrist. She turned around and glared at him.

"I'm the only responsible parent here. I'll move and you stay here." He argues.

"Are you freaking kidding me? God, you're such a kid." She tried to keep her calm as she felt anger bubbling inside of her.

"Am not!" He whined. Jordan raised an eyebrow at him and he rolled his eyes.

"You know what, whatever. Just do your thing." He said before peeking into the classroom again.

The school bell rang and they listened to the teacher dismiss them. Kamryn and Chance came out of the class together while laughing.

Jordan raised her eyebrows out of shock at how well they were getting along.

She slowly made her way towards the two as Ethan did also, following behind her like a little puppy.

"Hi kids," Jordan smiled as she glanced up to see Ethan standing in front of her now.

"Hey mommy!" Kamryn hugged her mom's legs. Jordan smiled and kneeled down to hug her.

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