Chapter Twelve

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Part One

I finished off with a swipe of a nude, almost pink colored lipstick.

"Mommy, can I wear lipstick too?" Kamryn asked as she jumped up onto my bed. I smiled, "sure, babe."

I grabbed the lightest shade I had and walked over to her.

She puckered her lips as I put the lipstick on her tiny soft lips.


"All done. Go look in the mirror." I watched as she made different faces and chuckled. I swear my daughter is something else.

"Are you ready to go?" I asked as I tucked my phone and lipstick into my purse, along with some other essentials I might need later.

I grabbed the two covered smoke bombs and put them gently into my bag.

"Why are there two?" Kamryn question.

"So that Grayson and Cindy can both hold one."

Kamryn nodded her head, "you look beautiful mommy."

I gave her a grin, "but you look even better baby girl."

"C'mon. Let's take a picture before Ethan and Chance get here." After taking the photo, I heard the door bell ring. Kamryn and I looked at each other before smiling.

I looked out of my window to see Ethan's black BMW.

"Alright, go open the door. I'll meet you guys down there." I watched Kamryn run out of my room before looking at myself in the mirror.

I was wearing a light pink sundress with white laced heels.

The plan for the gender reveal was that you'd need to wear either pink for a girl or blue for a boy.

Obviously I already knew the gender.

The only people that know that I know the gender of the baby are Ethan, Grayson, Cindy and the two kids.

Ethan tried to ask me many times, how annoying. But that incident at the grocery store repeatedly plays in my mind.

Maybe even more than the times Ethan asked me about the baby's gender, and that's countless. It just doesn't seem real that Ethan said it, and to my face too. It was weird since we spent a lot of time bickering before that.

Kamryn thinks it's a boy, so she's wearing a light blue shift dress.

Chance also thinks it's a boy, and Ethan, he hasn't told me yet. But guess I'll find out now.

I grabbed my purse from my night stand and exited out of my bedroom, walking down the stairs.

I was soon greeted by Ethan wearing a light blue button up and khaki pants, who's been waiting at the end of the stairs.

"You know, Jordan, you don't need to take forever to look this beautiful. You could've just wore a shirt and shorts and still would look amazing."

Ethan's been giving more and more compliments after what happened at the grocery store.

Why does he always do this to me? My cheeks turned a light pink.

"Thank you, Ethan. You look very handsome." I smiled, trying to hide the fact that I was blushing like crazy and my stomach had a billion butterflies fluttering inside of it.

"Bt the way, I've only kept you waiting for five minutes. No need to get so impatient." I grinned.

He groaned, "five minutes is too long."

I realized that five minutes is indeed too long for Ethan. That time I brought the kids to the park, he had been waiting for five minutes and still complained.

Soon, Chance and Kamryn walked out of the kitchen.

"Oh look at you! You look very handsome, Chance." Chance walked up to us as I bent down a bit.

His hair was gelled and he was wearing the exact same thing ethan was.

"So I'm the only one wearing pink?" I asked with a playful frown as I walked over to the shoe rack where I grabbed Kamryn's sandals.

I turned around to see Kamryn in Ethan's arms with Chance next to them and smiling widely.

I quickly grabbed my phone from my bag, "smile!"

Ethan smirked and answered my question, "yes because you're a loser."

"My mommy is not a loser."

"Sorry." Ethan apologized quickly.


We finally arrived at Grayson and Cindy's place.

I felt a little nervous, what if it doesn't go out as planned? I heard Ethan say something so i turned towards him.

"Sorry, I kinda zoned out. What did you say?"

"You're going to meet my parents today." He smirked.

I froze, what! today?

"W-what do you mean?" I asked nervously.

"Don't be so nervous, chill out. They'll definitely love you."

"Oh uh, why though?" I questioned, trying not to sound rude. Ethan chuckled, "I feel like it's the right thing to do, it'll do some good for the future."

What the hell is going on? Did I hear him correctly? Oh my god, they might not even like me. Why am I meeting them? I'm sure they're lovely but I was not prepared at all.

asdfghjkl today was a good day. i just felt like updating, i'm sorry¿
hope you babies are in a happy mood (:
thanks for 2k ily 😭❤

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