Chapter Sixteen

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"Is your dad going to come after?" Jordan asked Chance.

"I think so."

"What's your dad up to anyways?" She asked as she cleaned up the toys.

Chance shrugged, "I think he went somewhere with uncle Gray."


Ethan knocked on the door and waited patiently for someone to open the door.

Soon, Jordan opened the door with a big smile on her face.

"I was hoping it was my boyfriend but it was just you, ugh." Jordan joked as the smile wiped off her face.

"Ha ha." Ethan said dryly as he stepped into the house.

Jordan chuckled, "what brings you here, Dolan?"

"My boy is here." Ethan gestured towards Chance who was sleeping peacefully on the couch.

Jordan ran up the stairs to grab Chance's school bag and went back downstairs.

"I tried to tell him to do his homework but he said he was really tired. He's been sleeping for like two hours now."

Ethan chuckled and took the bag from Jordan, "where's Kamryn?"

"At my parents place. I totally forgot she was going there. Where are you heading after this?" She asked him.

"Home. Did he eat already?"

Jordan shook her head, "literally five minutes after I told him to do his homework, he went to sleep."

"I guess I'll hang around here for a little then. I'm feeling kinda lazy." Ethan told her and plopped down on the other couch, setting Chance's bag next to him.

Jordan shrugged, "that's fine. I'll make dinner so you won't need to later."

"You don't need to."

"I want to." Jordan placed her hands on her hips.

"Well then, alright, thanks. When is Kamryn coming home?"

Jordan walked over to the coffee table and grabbed her phone, "she should be here in like twenty minutes,"

"I'm gonna clean for a little. I'll start cooking when kamryn gets home, cool?"

Ethan nodded and closed his eyes, leaning his head back onto the couch.


Moments had passed by, there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it." Ethan told jordan and she nodded her head as she mopped the floor.

Ethan opened the door to see Kamryn and Jordan's mom.

"Ethan!" Kamryn hugged his legs.

Ethan smiled and picked her up, giving her a tight squeeze. His eyes snapped towards Jordan's mom, his cheeks flushed red.

"Hello. I believe we haven't met before. I'm Amber, Jordan's mom." Amber stuck her hand out with a wide smile.

Ethan gently put Kamryn down and she ran over to the couch.

"I'm Ethan. Jordan's-" Ethan paused and looked over his shoulder to see Jordan walking towards them.

"Good friend." He finished and shook Amber's hand.

"Hey mom. Do you wanna come in?"

Amber chuckled, "just here to drop off Kams."

"Jordan, you've never introduced me to this handsome young man!" Amber shook her head in disappointment.

Jordan grinned, "we met not too long ago, mom. Relax!"

Ethan awkwardly shuffled towards the side, "it was very nice to meet you, Amber."

"You too, Ethan. Take care of my daughter and Kamryn." She waved her hands.

Ethan glanced at Jordan, "I will."

Amber left and Jordan shut the door, "my mom likes you."

"How would you possibly know that?"

"She reacted hella differently when she met Kamryn's dad."

"Oh." Ethan looked down, hiding the small smile.

Jordan stepped towards him, her body against his and she looked up. "What are you doing?" Ethan asked her.

"Admiring beauty."

"Well then I guess we're doing the same thing." Ethan leaned down and pressed his lips against hers. They smiled before pulling away from each other.


"When did this happen?"

They looked towards the sound of the kids voices, Chance and Kamryn looked at them in shock.

Jordan grinned while Ethan joked, "more importantly, when did you wake up?"

"About five minutes ago."

"Woah." kamryn's mouth was in the shape of an O.

Jordan bent down and hugged Kamryn, "I've missed you, kid."

"I've only been gone for two hours, mommy. Relax!"

Ethan and Jordan looked at each other and laughed.

"She definitely gets that from you."

you guys don't even realize how grateful i am for all the
votes and comments (':
i feel so bad, i feel like thank you
isn't enough to say ugh.
i love you guys, always!

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