Chapter Six

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It's now saturday, no school for Kamryn and Chance.

Chance didn't get to go over yesterday because he was with Grayson and Cindy.

Ethan agreed that he'd be able to hang out today, and Ethan suggested that Kamryn could come over to their house too.

Jordan cleaned Kamryn's room as her daughter got into a regular day outfit. She was wearing a pair of black leggings and a white t-shirt. When she finished, Jordan put her hair into pigtails.

"Wait downstairs for me so I could change. I'll put on a Spiderman video when I finish." Jordan told her daughter.

Kamryn began to walk down the stairs, so Jordan went into her room to get ready. As she was putting on her jeans shorts, the doorbell rang.

It's probably Chance and Ethan, she thought. Though, she can't trust... you never know who it could be.

"Kamryn, honey! Don't open the door." Jordan shouted.

Jordan hurried and put on the nearest thing she could see which was a baggy red t-shirt.

Jordan hurried down the stairs and the doorbell rang again. "Coming!" Jordan opened the door and she was right, it was them.

"Hey Jordan." Chance greeted. She smiled at him and began to put her hair up in a messy bun.

"You look quite presentable." Ethan smirked.

Jordan rolled her eyes but her cheeks turning a nice crimson red, "I was in a rush. Besides, I don't have any reason to doll myself up."

Ethan shrugged, "you have a point."

"Do you wanna come in?" Jordan blurted out. She even surprised herself.

"Do you want me to?"

"Stop making things hard and just fucking get in." She grabbed his shoulder and pulled him into the house.

"Eager are we?"

"Oh shut up." Ethan took a seat on the couch next to Kamryn.

"Hello, Ethan." Kamryn grinned.

"Hey, Kams." Ethan returned the same wide smile.

Jordan walked over after shutting the door and reached for the remote on the glass coffee table. "Chance, Kams wants to watch Spiderman again." Jordan frowned at him.

Chance just laughed, "it's okay."

After putting the same exact Spiderman movie on the television that they watched a few days ago, Jordan hurried back up the stairs to put a decent shirt on.

She grabbed a white blouse and put it on. "What do you guys wanna eat?" Jordan placed her hands on her hip.

"Waffles!" Chance and Kamryn looked at each other as they said it at the same time.

Ethan looked over at Jordan, "are you staying?" She asked.

"When you finish breakfast, I've got some errands to run." He told her.

Jordan nodded her head and walked into the kitchen, making the waffles the kids suggested.


"Breakfast!" Jordan shouted from the kitchen.

She set up the table and waited for the kids to come in. When they settled down, Jordan exited the kitchen to say goodbye to Ethan.

"What time are you gonna pick him up?" She questioned and leaned against the door frame.

"Same time again." He let out a breath when he turned around to face her. "Oh, so you don't have a date again?" She let out a soft laugh.

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