Chapter Twenty Two

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Jordan chucked the ball towards Chance as he caught it in his arms and dropped down onto the grass.

"That was nice!" Ethan cheered as he ran towards his son. Jordan looked over at Kamryn to see her pulling flowers from the garden.

"That was a nice throw, mommy." Chance hugged her legs. She smiled and felt her heart do a little dance, "thank you, Chance."

Ethan and Jordan stared at each other with smiles and gave her a tight squeeze.

They sat down on the grass and called for Kamryn. She looked up and began running to the three while her grip was tight around a few flowers.

"I got this for you guys." Kamryn said as she handed a flower to each person, keeping a pink one for herself.

"Thank you, babygirl." Ethan kissed the top of Kamryn's head. She nodded and plopped down next to Chance.

Jordan gave a certain look to Ethan and he nodded.

"Kids, we have some news."

Chance and Kamryn looked up at the them with big eyes as they set down their toys.

"Is it good or bad?" Kamryn questioned as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

Ethan smiled, "it's great news."

"Then just tell us already!" Chance piped in as he twirled Kamryn's hair and watched it fall onto her shoulder afterwards.

Ethan chuckled, "alright, Chance. Calm down, bup."

"We're going to the hospital because," Ethan started.

"aunt Cindy just gave birth!" Jordan said excitedly.

Kamryn and Chance jumped up from the grass and began to dance around as they cheered.

"Can we go now? Please!" Chance begged at their feet.

Jordan nodded her head with a grin, "lets go then."


"Okay kids, you're gonna need to be a little quiet okay? There are babies sleeping and people healing. We need to be respectful." Jordan put her index finger up to her lips.

The two kids nodded and they walked to the room. "What's the room again?" Ethan asked.

"I thought you had the room number." Jordan said quietly.

Ethan shook his head, "I asked you to text them."

"Oh my god, I thought you were saying you already texted them."

"Baby, you don't have the room number?" Ethan groaned softly.

Jordan squinted her eyes, "no I don't have the room number, Ethan."

"Just text them now."

"No, you."

"No, you."



"Can we be respectful and mature please children?" Chance spoke up as he looked at the bickering parents.

Ethan stuck his tongue out at Jordan before taking his phone out and texted Grayson.

"Room fifty-six." Ethan shoved his phone back into his pocket as he grabbed hold of Jordan's hand.

"I sometimes think they're the adults." Jordan smiled at ethan.

He shrugged, "you think? They are."

The family got to the room and Ethan opened the door slowly.

"Hey guys!" Grayson said excitedly in a soft tone.

Ethan and Grayson had a huge hug as Kamryn and Chance climbed onto the bed near Cindy's feet.

After the boys were done, Jordan hugged Grayson and congratulated him.

"Where are my niece and nephew?" Ethan asked.

"They should be coming back already. The doctor took them for a little." Cindy said weakly.

Jordan looked towards Cindy, "you okay?"

Cindy nodded her head, "I'm just really tired," she chuckled.

Soon, the door opened with two doctors with carts. There, the two newborns cooed.

"They look like me." Ethan said immediately when he walked over to the cart as soon as the doctors left.

"You haven't even seen them yet, baby." Jordan chuckled as she watched him shuffle around the room to get to the carts with the babies.

Ethan smiled, "they look like me." He looked down at them in awe.

Chance and Kamryn got off the bed and tip-toed at the side of the carts. "They are so cute." Kamryn pressed her hand against the side.

"What are their names?" Chance questioned as he admired his new cousins.

Cindy and Grayson waited till the family of four was around the babies before telling them.

"Melanie and Caleb."

"They fit perfectly." Jordan smiled down at them, Melanie and Caleb.

Grayson took a seat near Cindy, "Melanie is older by a few minutes."

"I bet they'll fight over that when they get older." Ethan played with caleb's fingers.

"Definitely." Grayson agreed, knowing they used to argue over that when they were younger.

A happy family.

i know i haven't updated in forever!
but i hope this was good. yes, i skipped a bunch, but i really wanted to welcome the twins (:

but can we talk about how far this book is rn. i literally was not expecting the votes to go pass 200. it's literally at 900+ almost 1k votes. it's at 10k+ reads now. 1k+ comments. you guys are truly crazy and amazing, i can't thank you guys enough.
i love you all beautiful babies,
stay happy.

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