Chapter Ten

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"How was your day?" Ethan asked Jordan as she took a seat on his couch.

"It was good." She replied. She got comfortable as Ethan came in sight.

He opened his mouth but Jordan stopped him with her index finger pointing to him.

"No, I will not tell you the gender." She grinned while closing her eyes.

"Have I ever told you how comfortable your couch is? I think I'm gonna take a nap."

She heard Ethan chuckle, "be my guest."

She heard Ethan shuffle around a bit, "oh by the way-" Jordan cut him off again.

"Yes, I will accompany you to the gender reveal party, Dolan."

She heard Ethan mutter a few things under his breath, "yes!"

She felt the stupid feeling in her stomach again, but she ignored it. "Where are the kids, Eth?" She asked, feeling herself begin to fall asleep.

"They're taking a nap in Chance's room. I just put them to sleep actually, I didn't think you would be back this fast."

Jordan nodded her head, "it's fine. I guess we're staying a little longer, if it's okay?" She yawned. Ethan nodded his head.

She shuffled to her side and placed her arm under her head, her legs cradled into her body.

"I'll be in my room if you need me." Ethan told her as he began walking towards the stairs.

"Mhm." She hummed against her lips.

Ethan stared at her for a bit as he stood at the bottom of the stairs, she's beautiful.

He smiled to himself before heading up the stairs.


"Let's go to the store." Jordan suggested as she put her hair up in a high pony tail. Ethan's eyes flicked towards Jordan from his phone, "why?"

She shrugged, "I don't want to go home yet."

Ethan shrugged his shoulders before he walked to the bottom of the stairs.

"Kids, we're going to the store!" He yelled.

Jordan smiled and reached over to grab her bag from the bottom of the couch. She leaned over the hand rest and as she inched closer to her bag, she fell over.

"Fuck." she muttered under her breath.

Ethan rushed over to her, "what the fuck were you doing, Jordan?"

"I was trying to get my bag." She let out a loud huff. Ethan helped her up and began to laugh, "you're so tiny. You couldn't even reach for your bag."

"I meant to fall." She moved her hair away from her face.

"You have a small cut on your face, Jordan."

"Floors are supposed to be flat and smooth. What's up with your floor, Grant?"

"You're just dumb enough to fall a stupid way, Marie," Ethan mocked her.

"Just please be careful next time, I don't wanna be held responsible for your death."

"I will not die from falling off the couch!" She whined. "Whatever you say." He smirked as the kids ran down the stairs.

Kamryn tugged on her mom's shirt which caused Jordan to look down.

"Yes, Kams?"She asked as they began walking out of the house.

"How come we're going to the store?"

"I don't wanna go home yet. Plus, Ethan felt like going." She lied. Ethan snapped his head over his shoulder, "that was you."

"Eavesdrop much?"

"Only with you."

Jordan rolled her eyes, "your car or mine?"

"Mine." He replied.


They all walked into the store, the air conditioning hit their faces.

"I should have brought a jacket." Kamryn announced as they walked around the store.

"Use mine, Kams." Ethan took off his black Nike hoodie and placed it over Kamryn.

it It on the ground as they walked around the store. "I think it's a bit too small for you." Chance joked.

"I think so too." Kamryn grinned.

Ethan and Jordan laughed but they continued their way around the store.

"Question?" Ethan spoke up after a few minutes.

"Were you planning to get anything?"

Jordan shrugged, "I guess I'll get some groceries so I won't need to go later."

"No." Ethan replied.


"We should stick with snacks."

"Why only snacks?"

"Because you two are sleeping over."

short chapter = more chapters?
let's just say that, ehh.
so they know each other's
full name now.
alright alright (;
i don't say it often but ily vote&comment!

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