Chapter Eight

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It's been a few days since the moment between Jordan and Ethan had happened.

They've been thinking a lot about it, and how they loved to see that side of each other instead of the annoying one that they've been bickering over.

As the days passed by, there were no silly arguments, which the kids were thankful for.

But they didn't talk about what happened that night either. It was back to the small and simple talks, something they both didn't want anymore.

Ethan and Jordan didn't want it that way, but they were too afraid to admit it to each other.

NOTE: what fucking pussies amirite

Lately, Kamryn has been going over to Ethan and Chance's house instead.

Kamryn is there again today while Jordan is getting her hair done.

It's been platinum blonde for few weeks now, so she's going back to finish up her hair.

She decided on a grey ombre, Jordan's been wanting it for a while.

NOTE: hair at the top!

When Jordan finished up, she headed over to Ethan's house.


Jordan knocked on the door and waited. Soon, Ethan opened the door. He looked at her hair, then back at her with a smile.

"It looks really good." He complimented.

Jordan's cheeks, yet again, turned red.

"Thanks, Eth." He opened the door wider, signaling for her to come in. She sat on the couch and placed her bag next to her, waiting for Kamryn and Chance to come down.

She looked over to the side to see Ethan staring at her.

"Ethan? Where are the kids?" She chuckled.

He blinked his eyes and shook his head, "I-I'm sorry. It's just you look really good—your hair I mean."

She felt herself blush again, I swear this boy gets me to blush every five seconds.

"That's sweet. Thank you, really." He nodded his head shyly before heading up the stairs. After a few seconds, Kamryn came running down to her.

Chance and Kamryn's eyes widened, practically popping out of their sockets before complimenting her.

"Your hair, mommy! It's so cool."

"I like your hair, Jordan. I've never seen anyone with it before."

Jordan grinned at them, "thank you kids."

Soon, Ethan came back from upstairs with a loud sigh. "Are you staying over for a little?" He glanced at her then their eyes met.

She smiled lightly, "yeah, I'm honestly a bit lazy to drive at the moment."

Ethan chuckled, "stay for dinner then. I'm gonna order pizza."


"I refuse!"

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