Chapter Fourteen

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Part Three

"It's time for the reveal." Cindy told Jordan excitedly.

Jordan squealed, "alright. I'm just gonna get the smoke bombs for you guys."

Jordan jogged into the house and grabbed the two smoke bombs out of her bag.

She ran out of the house and over to Cindy and Grayson where people crowded them. She handed one each to the both of them.

"Can you record please?" Cindy smiled and handed Jordan her phone.

"Of course."

Lisa and Sean were going to light Grayson's smoke bomb as Cindy's parents did hers.

"I'm so excited!" Cindy's mom squealed.

Ethan stood next to Jordan as the kids were in front of them. "this is exciting, I wish I could have had a gender reveal too. I'm glad Grayson could experience it." Ethan muttered to himself.

Yes, he was talking to himself, but at least Jordan heard him.

They lit the smoke bombs on a count of three.

Soon, blue smoke rushed out of Cindy's smoke bomb causing her to jump in excitement.

Grayson's smoke came out a few seconds later, pink.

Everyone cheered for the new parents.

They were having twins, but apparently Grayson did not catch on just yet. Cindy hugged Grayson as he wrapped his arms around her.

"Wait so, is it a boy or a girl?" Grayson asked his girlfriend quietly as he glanced at his smoke bomb that he held tightly in his hand.

"Oh my gosh, baby. We're having twins! A boy and a girl!" Cindy chuckled and pressed her lips against his.

Ethan turned towards Jordan, "twins?!"

Jordan grinned and nodded her head, "you had no clue."

"Obviously!" He jumped around in place before running off to Grayson.

Jordan watched as he jumped onto Grayson, causing them to land onto the grass.

"You're having twins, bup. Can you believe it?!"

Grayson shook his head, "twins bro. Twins!"

Jordan smiled at the sight of two of them before returning back to Cindy who was crying tears of joy.

"Oh my gosh!" Cindy hugged Jordan.

"Congratulations, Cece."

Cindy smiled, "thank you so much."

Many more people congratulated them so Jordan moved to the side with Kamryn and Chance.

"Are we going home after this?" Chance asked Jordan.

She nodded her head, "I'm pretty sure. It's up to whatever your dad feels like doing."

"Can you guys sleepover again? It was so fun!"

"I don't see why not."


Ethan opened the front door as the two kids ran in, turning the light on as they go up to Chance's room.

"Every time." Ethan chuckles and watched them run up the carpeted stairs.

Jordan yawned and plopped down onto the couch, making herself comfortable.

"Tired already?" Ethan asked her as he set down Jordan's bag on the coffee table.

She hummed against her lips and nodded her head. Ethan took a seat on the couch at the edge of her feet.

As the silence between them got comfortable, the thoughts flowed into Jordan's head again.

Ethan. He's all I ever think about, like the way I did with Kamryn's dad. In fact it's probably even better. I don't want to admit it to myself, but I like Ethan. I really do and I can't help it. He's perfect. I'm scared he doesn't feel the same way. Sure, he flirts a lot, but maybe it's just a friend thing he does.

Jordan's thoughts were cut off by Ethan's voice.

"Do you wanna talk about it?"

She blinked her eyes a few times before looking towards him, "w-what do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. Your thoughts are so loud and clear to me, Jordan."

Ethan could also tell by the look she had on her face and how quiet she was being.

He nodded his head towards her, signaling for her to sit next to him. She took a gulp and pulled herself up, crossing one leg over the other.

"You wanna know if I like you?" Ethan looked Jordan in the eyes.

She nodded her head, afraid her voice would come out awkward.

"Because you like me."


"You don't have to lie, Jordan."

"Okay, fine. I like you." She mumbled.

"Well good, because I like you too," Ethan smiled.

Jordan's head snapped towards Ethan, "are you sure?"

He chuckled and nodded his head, "very sure."

"This feels like middle school." Jordan let out a giggle.

"Would middle schoolers do this?"

Ethan leaned in and smashed his lips against Jordan's.

Their lips moved in sync with passion. Ethan placed his hand onto Jordan's cheek, deepening the kiss.

Sparks. Fireworks. A roller coaster. Wild animals. Butterflies. All at once.

NOTE: ignore me they all give off the same feeling i guess BUT what the fuck ever man

They slowly parted, looking each other in the eyes.

"You don't even realize how long I've been waiting to do that."

"But I'm irritating, remember?" Jordan said playfully with a small laugh.

Ethan rolled his eyes, "yeah, you're still irritating,"

"but you're also cute so it's okay."

Jordan's cheeks flushed a bright red, "stop."

"No." Ethan mumbled against her lips before kissing it softly.



"Middle schoolers would do this. It's 2017, baby. Hell, they'd even fuck at this age."


hi i liked this chapter a lot aodjjsj
anyways i love you with all my heart
i appreciate you a lot.
i'm still not used to getting comments and votes holy shizzle (':

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