Chapter Nine

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"Are you saying I'm going to meet this brother of yours?" Jordan asks him with an eyebrow raised.

Ethan smiled, "you will. Him and his girlfriend are coming over right now actually."

Jordan's eyes widened, Um what? Did I hear this guy correctly? She chuckled nervously, "oh really? Cool."

Ethan let out a soft laugh. "Don't be nervous. He's exactly like me, and I know you like me." He smirked.

"As a friend." Ethan added.

"But I don't like you." Jordan said playfully. Ethan dramatically gasped, "that hurt."

"Good." She grinned.

As Ethan was about to say something, the door opened.

"Uncle Grayson!" Chance got up from his seat and ran up to Grayson.

"Hey little man!" Grayson kneeled down and gave chance a bear hug. Grayson looked up to see Jordan looking at him, she was nervous.

His eyes widened then he looked over at his twin brother who stood behind her.

He looked away then smiled at Jordam, "we've never met. I'm Grayson, Ethan's brother."

Grayson stuck his hand out.

"I'm Jordan, Ethan's friend?" She glanced at ethan who gave her a thumbs up.

Wow, they kinda look alike but they also don't? Cool, Jordan thought to herself.

They shook hands with warm smiles on their faces and Cindy walked in, closing the door behind her.

"Aunt Cece!" Cindy chuckled and bent down a bit to hug Chance lightly.

Jordan looked over at Kamryn who was snuggled next to her legs, looking at the new people in the house.

"Oh my gosh, you must be Jordan!" Cindy fast walked over to the couch where Jordan was sitting.

Jordan gave a big smile, even though she was freaking out on the inside.

Damn it, Ethan. You could've at least told me her name!

Cindy wrapped her arms around Jordan which made her jump but she hugged back.

They shared a few talks with each other before Grayson's eyes landed on Kamryn who hid next to her mom's legs.

"And who may this pretty lady be?" Grayson grinned at the small girl.

Kamryn shuffled a bit, her cheeks turned a bright red. "Ah I must be Kamryn. Ethan adores you, you know. He talks about you a lot, honey. You seem to be good friends with chance." Cindy grinned.

Kamryn nodded her head and glanced at Ethan who smiled at her.

"Well it's very nice to meet you both." Grayson said.

"Such pretty ladies." Cindy squealed excitedly which caused Jordan to let out a soft laugh. Jordan looked at Ethan who simply winked back at her.

Jordan felt her stomach erupt of the butterflies that she had felt before around him.

Stop winking you fucking bitch.

"Well, I'm down for a movie. Babe, can you set one up please?" Grayson asked his girlfriend as he gave them both a look.

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