Chapter Eighteen

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They tied their roller skates and sat for a bit.

"Do you know how to roller skate?" Jordan asked as she stood up and pulled up her jeans.

Ethan nodded, "yeah. Do you?"

"I'm a pro." Jordan joked with a huge grin.

Ethan chuckled and stood up next to her, "where we are going next is your choice."

Jordan nodded her head, "I'm fine with that,"

"Now let's go!" She grabbed onto Ethan's wrist, almost falling over when she turned around.

Ethan shook his head, "pro my ass."

"I am a pro! I just haven't done this in a long time." She stepped into the rink slowly.

He skated pass her and held onto her hand, "pros shouldn't forget how to do something they are good at."

"I will slap you." Jordan rolled her eyes.

Ethan let go of her hand and began to take off, "if you can catch me!"

He would look behind every now and then to see where she was.

He was surprised when he saw Jordan running towards him.

"Okay, I remember now asshole." Jordan shouted.

Ethan turned his attention back towards the front and began to skate away faster.

How the hell can she run in roller skates?'

Ethan finally made it towards the wall and stayed there, watching Jordan make her way towards him.

"I'm tired." Jordan panted as she held onto his arm.

"It was fun though."

Jordan nodded, "I can't believe I ran after you."

"Skated." Ethan corrected with a grin. Jordan narrowed her eyes at him, "same thing."

Ethan latched his hand with hers again and they began to skate slowly around the rink.

"Next time, we should go ice skating. Let's take the kids...they'll love it."

Jordan shook her head, "ice skating is something I could never do."

"Then you can learn, duh."

"Can Chance ice skate?"

"Of course he can, do you know who his dad is?"

Jordan muttered a few things under her breath. It wasn't fair that Chance could skate, and she couldn't.

"Okay you need to teach me then."

Ethan laughed and nodded his head.


Jordan got into the drivers seat as Ethan got into the passenger seat.

"Where to now m'lady?" Ethan questioned as she pulled out of the stall.

Jordan fixed her hair in the rear view mirror, "we are going to eat."

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