Chapter Seventeen

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"Are you sure it's okay if they stay with Grayson?" Jordan asked as they got into Ethan's car.

"Very sure. Grayson needs to prepare for his children anyways." Ethan buckled his seat belt and waited till he heard the click of Jordan's.

Jordan took a deep breath, "I guess so." Ethan smiled to himself as he pulled away from Grayson and Cindy's house.

As they drove away from the house, Ethan noticed Jordan was feeling quite nervous.

"Tonight is just for the two of us. We'll pick them up at nine tonight, they're fine. I promise."

Jordan nodded her head as she leaned forward to reach for the radio.


Jordan had fallen asleep as they've been driving for a good twenty minutes.

This gave Ethan time to think about the plan for their date night. He was feeling quite anxious now. Ethan is worried Jordan might just end up saying no.

That or Jordan will be bored.

Soon, they arrived at the destination. He drove around the parking lot to look for parking, quietly celebrating to himself when he found one close to the entrance.

He unbuckled his seat belt and placed a hand on Jordan's shoulder.

"We're here, jordan. Wake up!"

After a few seconds of trying to wake her up, she finally opened her eyes. "Sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep." She stretched her arms forward.

Ethan shrugged his shoulders, "it's fine honestly."

Jordan looked towards the huge beige colored building.

"We're going roller skating?"

"Let's be teens again?"


this is a short chapter because i
felt like updating lol.
the rest of their date night will
be in the next chapter (:
sorry about that btw.
love you all.
stay beautiful <3

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