Chapter Four

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Jordan smiled and let out some small
laughs, watching her daughter dance while putting her clothes on.

"What's got you in such a happy mood, babe?" Jordan asked Kamryn as she put on her shoes.

"Chance is coming over today!" She screeched. Jordan completely forgot about that, she started to feel bad.

"Oh, yeah..." Jordan trailed off but smiled.

"Are you still going to make the caramel apples?" Kamryn asked as she walked down the stairs with her mom behind.

"Yes, I will." They walked into the kitchen and Jordan grabbed the pop tart from the toaster and set it on a plate.

"It's warm, honey. It should be fine to eat now." Jordan told her, knowing that she'd ask if it was too hot to touch or eat still.

Kamryn just nodded her head and picked up the pop tart, taking a small nibble from it. Jordan sat across the table from her and opened her laptop.

"What are you doing, mommy?" Kamryn asked curiously as she munched on her food.

"Just some work," Jordan typed away. Kamryn finished up her pop tart quickly and told her mom that she was now ready to go to school.

Kamryn was excited to see her friend again, but she was more excited that he would be coming over today.

They left the house quickly to the school as Ethan and Chance did also.


Both single parents arrived at the school a few minutes before the bell rang.

They walked their child to their class just in time to run into each other.

Though, the small talk didn't involve the two single parents yelling at each other, just some childish bickering.

Both glared at each other after hugging or kissing their kid goodbye.

Ethan walked up to Jordan with a blank expression, the glare was no longer there.

"I'm gonna need your number and your address." Ethan reached into his pocket and placed his phone in front of her face.

"All you need is my address." She raised her eyebrows.

"I'm pretty sure I need to call to see how my son is doing." Ethan snarled.

Jordan scoffed before taking his phone out of his hand.

She put her contact name as, The Responsible Parent and put her number in.

She then went to the notes section of her contact and typed her address in.

"Here," she handed his phone back. "Chance will be just fine." She assured him.

"Alright well, he's allergic to carrots and tomatoes. He's very playful and sometimes rascal, but if you put any marvel movie on the television, he should be fine." Ethan explained.

Jordan nodded, "what time are you planning to pick him up?"

"Around four." After it an awkward silence fell between them, Jordan walked away to go back to her car.

Ethan watched as she walked away before looking back into the classroom to wave at Kamryn and Chance.

The two kids smiled and waved back which meant it was now time for Ethan to leave too.

Both single parents could feel the weird tension between them. It wasn't a good thing, but it wasn't necessarily a bad thing either.

Even if they had another almost regular conversation, they still didn't like each other at all. Not even a little bit.

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