Chapter Thirteen

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Part Two

We walked towards the house and I felt just as nervous as before.

I don't even know a lot of people here, but I guess it'll be okay. I'm here for Cindy and Grayson, and apparently now Ethan's parents.

"Wait a minute...I just noticed, if you're wearing pink does that me-" I cut ethan off with a small glare.

"Then it's probably a boy. You're trying to trick me!" He gasped dramatically.

This boy is such a drama queen.

I shake my head, "I'm not telling you anything."

"Please! I've been waiting forever." He begs as we get to the front door.

"Well you can wait a little longer." I knock on their door.

I was told it wasn't going to be a big party or anything, just a small get together of close friends and family.

I look over my shoulder to see Chance and Kamryn in their own conversation. They never talk to us which I think is funny, it's always just Me and Ethan.

Ethan noticed me watching the two bond and decided to speak up. "What are you two talking about?"

"Spiderman." They both answer.

Soon, the door opened where Grayson was standing there with a smile.


"Hey guys!" Grayson greeted excitedly.

"Hi uncle Gray." Chance ran past him with Kamryn behind, holding hands.

Jordan's eyes followed as they ran up the stairs before they met Grayson's, "hi!"

Over the past week, I've gotten closer to Cindy and Grayson thanks to this gender reveal.

Ethan told me he was glad I got along well with them and I am too.

We stepped into the house where it was cleaned up nicely. The party is in their backyard and there isn't many people as we enter.

"Hey guys!" Cindy runs up to us and pulls Ethan and I into a huge hug.

"Can't. Breathe." Ethan dramatically gasps for air. Cindy lets go of us and puts her hands on her hips, "you're such a drama queen."

"Am not!" Ethan argued.

"You should have seen him earlier." I tell Cindy even though I smile at Ethan.

Ethan shakes his head, "you guys are mean." And starts to walk away.

He then spins on his heels and looks me in the eye.

"I almost forgot that you were going to meet my parents." He smirks and begins to walk back to us.

I look at cindy for help which was useless because she says, "oh honey, you know what that means." She winks and gives me a soft push towards Ethan.

I stop myself before bumping into him and he grabs hold of my hands.

"Let's go, babe." He muttered under his breath, thinking I couldn't hear him.

I suck my bottom lip between my teeth and try to keep calm before I explode right in front of him and all these people.

"What was that?"



Ethan and I walked down the stairs behind Lisa and Sean.

"Are you sure they like me?" I whisper asked him again worriedly.

He chuckles, "chill out, Jordan. They already love you."

I take a deep breath as we get to the bottom of the staircase and look around Chance and Kamryn.

"Where are ou-the kids?" I stop myself.

Where the hell. What the hell. Where did that come from?

I glance at him to make sure he didn't catch on to the mistake I almost made.

By the look on his face, it seems as if he didn't. Thank God.

"They're probably already outside." Ethan shrugs and grabs my hand again, dragging me outside.

Flutter. This is too much for me. Flutter. Do I like it? Flutter. Just admit it, Jordan. Alright...I like it. I like it a lot.

When we get to the back, Ethan was right. The two kids sat on the grass as they played with the toys that Sean and Lisa had brought over for Chance.

Kamryn sees me and smiles with a small wave. I return the wave and look back towards Ethan.

He was already staring at me which made me blush, "didn't anyone ever tell you it was rude to stare mister?"

"I can't help it."

I am definitely redder than a tomato. Screw it, I'm letting loose right now. If Ethan can do it, I can too.

My whole body faces towards him and I grin.

"Has anyone ever told you that you were cute?"

"Eh, once or twice." He replied.

"Well you're cute. That makes it three times now." My heart was beating quickly. I can't believe that actually came out of my mouth.

"No. Sixty-nine times now."

"That was inappropriate, Ethan."

"But you know you love it."

"I love a lot of things about you."

My eyes widened and I look down, trying to hide my dark red cheeks over the fact that I just told him that. I wasn't even thinking when I said it, it just came out.

Plus, people were around. I'm just glad no one was paying attention to our conversation.

I almost jumped when I felt his hand under my chin, my head being lifted up slowly.

"I love a lot of things about you too."

gah fuck i actually thought
this was cute.
part three is the last part, i promise.
also it'll be back to third person.
oh and you'll finally find out the
gender of the baby!

stay happy baby

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