Chapter Nineteen

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"Tonight was very fun, Ethan. Thank you." Jordan stepped closer towards him.

Ethan smiled as he looked down at her, "it really was. It was the both of us, so thank you too."

They were outside of Grayson and Cindy's house.

"You ready to get the kids?" Jordan asked, noticing how late it was now.

"Not unless we go up there, together."

Jordan chuckled, "of course we're going to go up there together, Eth."

Ethan stayed quiet for a moment until Jordan realized what he meant.

"Oh." She said embarrassed and looked down, trying to hide her awkward smile.

"Please be mines, Jordan."

In that moment, Jordan had never felt so much butterflies. She has never felt that way before. She couldn't control it, like how she couldn't control the way she felt about him. She knew the answer to his question.

"I'd love to."

Ethan smiled widely before they were both leaning in.

Soon, their lips were together and moving in sync.

It was the greatest feeling ever. The dark blue night sky was up, no stars, but it was still beautiful.

Ethan knew that no stars were in the sky, but it didn't matter. The best was with him. The most beautiful star he had ever seen. Jordan was the only star he needed, she shined brightly, he was in love with her.

Jordan loved the way she felt with Ethan, no matter how hard she tried to ignore it, she knew deep down she wanted to have the feeling all the time. She's never felt that with anyone before, that's how she knew she was in love him.

It felt like it was just the two of them on top of the world, they loved the feeling. Especially since it was with the right person.

They slowly parted and stared at each other in the eyes.

"Cindy is going to yell at me I told you so, when we get up there." Ethan chuckled.

Jordan shrugged, "let her. She was right after all."

They smiled to each other before they walked up hand in hand.

Time to get their kids.

i wanted this to be short for the special moment.
i don't really know how to feel about this, i never wrote anything like this tbh.

anyways, i love my classes a lot lol.
i have at least 2 or more friends in each haha.
this is gonna be such a fun year omg ;)
hope you lovelies are good <3
love you so much precious babies.

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