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The sky is painted with fresh blue and cotton white hues on that particular morning. The busy playground is full of laughter from young children that swam on the fresh air breeze. Everyone is happy -except for a particular kid who's a sobbing mess, bullied in a corner.

"G-Go away! Don't go n-near me! Please! Why is it a- always me!..." Baekyun plead in desperation as he stepped back because he was cornered with a bunch of bullies.

Chanyeol, one of the active kids among his class, was trudging towards the stairs leading to the slides with a grin plastered on his young face. However, something out of the corner of his eye caught his attention. His feet led him to a bunch of kids who are laughing and pointing at something that he couldn't seem to see on his initial location. As soon as he decided to peek at the group of his fellow mates, his eyebrows automatically furrowed, and the innocent grin suddenly vanished from his young face as he looked at the smallest kid he had ever seen in the kindergarten.

Chanyeol immediately felt bad as he witnessed the poor kid being helpless.

Feeling his blood boil in anger, his legs led him to the center where the kid was standing. He saw the little kid crying, asking for help. The sobbing mess was clutching down the ends of his shirt, trying to cover his brown- above the knee shorts and being a concerned creature Chanyeol was,- he got closer to examine the kid's apologetically embarrassed and scared expression with his small chest heaving and his shoulders trembling.

"I-I just wanna go h-home! Stay away! I wasn't d-doing anything to you!" The small kid sobbed as he begged, pleading in shame and fear as his wet eyes landed on Chanyeol's tall figure thinking that he's one of the bullies.

Chanyeol realized that the little one who was bullied had peed himself, judging the wet patch on his crumpled pastel shorts. Chanyeol sighed. His heart tugged a little bit because of the smaller ones' hopelessness. He faced the annoying bullies and flashed his sharp glare towards them. His jaw tightened as he felt triggered. He can't bear to see someone incapable of fighting for themselves getting taken advantage of.

Chanyeol is taller than most of the other kids and so he could easily scare the shorter brats. He stood in front of Baekhyun, his back facing the poor kid. The little group of bullies looked at each other and shut their mouths. Young Chanyeol breathed deeply, closed his eyes, and moved a step forward and again, shouted loud enough to startle the brats.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!" He burst out, eyes flickering sharply. Even the midget who is sniffling behind him got startled and immediately jolted backward from his original spot.

Some of the kids crammed and stepped away. Obviously scared and threatened. But of course, some are dumb enough to stay put.

Chanyeol looked behind him. He needed to look down to see how unusually short Baekhyun was for a kindergarten schooler. The poor boy was now crouching on the ground with his arms wrapped around his knees. His head bowed down as he hid his wet face.

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