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“The chances of meeting you on this planet are like finding a needle in haystack – a miracle happened.”


"Baek, it's break time now. Let's eat together." Chanyeol tugged at the younger's smaller hands but surprisingly, the latter just bowed his head and replied nothing but silence. He is trying to hide his face so that Chanyeol wouldn't see his teary eyes as he hugged his small backpack on his chest, sulking his head down, and gently swayed his feet back and forth under the table.

"Aren't you hungry? Because I do. Anyways, I asked for more money from my mom so that I could treat you to your favorite ice cream and-WAIT, ARE YOU CRYING?" Young Chanyeol dropped his one knee on the ground as he gets a good view of Baek's face. His face written in worry. Baekhyun just held his head low and blinked his wet eyes to prevent the tears from falling.

Yet there again, the silence.

"Chanyeol! Let's play outside! I found a new toy from somewhere over the rainbow!!" A kid exclaimed laughing while running outside the room.

Chanyeol just ignored the kid because he knew that kid is a bully. His gaze was intently upon Baekhyun and nothing else.

"What happened Baekkie? Please tell me." Chanyeol asked softly, trying not to sound worried and angry to whoever made his friend feel like this. His voice is laced with concern. Baekhyun is like this, every time he gets bullied or gets sad, he tends to sulk in silence. And it cripples the taller's heart.

He scanned Baekhyun. Aside from his yellowish uniform and faded blue shorts, Chanyeol noticed that Baekhyun's new shoes are missing on his left foot. He clearly remembers that Baekhyun was just happily showing his newly bought shoes to him just last week and now he's missing a shoe. Could it be-no doubt.

"Did they bullied you again?" A rather serious yet gentle tone was evident in Chanyeol's voice as he crouched a little bit lower to hold the latter's foot. Baekhyun looked dejectedly at Chanyeol and to his left foot that was nothing on it except white plain socks.

Baekhyun nodded hesitantly and let a silent tear fall from his eyes. He sniffled and bit back his quivering lips to prevent himself from totally crying.

"That's a newly bought s-shoes. My mom bought it for me to use.." He whispered. most likely to himself as he wiped his tears with the back of his small hands.

Chanyeol's stomach churned in anger while seeing his best friend treated like that. He knew that he doesn't deserve to feel sadness and he just wants the latter to be happy and secured. He already has gotten used to protecting Baekhyun daily from the kids who wanted to mess with him but he isn't still used to seeing him tearing up.

His hands unconsciously turned into balls and stomped outside their classroom, determined to search for Baekhyun's shoe. Or rather the one who took the shoe.

Chanyeol immediately felt angrier than before when he saw a particular group of boys who are practically playing with Baekhyun's shoe.

Gritting his teeth and containing his anger by sighing deeply, he stomped towards the kids who mercilessly playing with the Smurf's newly bought shoe. His blood was beginning to boil, in anger.

"Give that back! It's bad to take things if it's not yours! So give that shoe back!" Chanyeol yelled. The group of kids just ignored Chanyeol and continue playing throw and fetch with Baekhyun's shoe. The idea that they are more in numbers than Chanyeol who's alone made them feel unnerved.

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