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“I look at you and see the rest of my life in front of my eyes.”

B A E K 'S P O V💕

"Here," Luhan shoved some clothes on my arms while he was busy styling his hair.

"Wait-what're these?" Fumbling with the material, I held it at arm's length to check out what it was.

Some sort of jeans, not to mention that they look as if they're going to choke my legs with it. And-Wait, why is it destroyed?

"It's called jeans, ripped jeans for a reason. I know, it was your first time wearing it so, this is the right time to wear one." Luhan winked with a glint of a smug grin on his face while putting his eyeliners on.

Exactly. Why is it ripped? Who on earth wears jeans that were freaking ripped?!

"I'm going to use this thing? I don't even know if this fits me... And I think it doesn't look good on me-"

"Uh huh~~ you don't have a say on this. I'm in charge and you do what I say." Luhan waved his index finger in front of my face smiling smugly. I bit my lip as I started at the garments and sighed.

"I've never agreed to wear these types of clothes." I huffed, knitting my eyebrows in the process. I just don't feel like using these kinds of clothes because it doesn't fit my personality and character, the whole me is contrast. How would the other students think if a freaking nerd with eyeglasses like me would wear such clothing like these? They would laugh at me.

Someone like me, using this sort of attire? Uhh...They're joking, right?

"You don't need to complain. Just wear these clothes with this topdown and this expensive cardigan of mine! Arrasseo?!" I was startled but then I got suddenly dragged into an empty stall, Luhan shoved me in and then he closed the door.

"We only have two hours left before the contest starts! Are you just going to stand there, doing nothing?!" I sighed. I just can't believe that these types of clothes are going on my body. And these friends of mine are a bit crazy.

For as long as I remember, the type of performance that we'll perform tonight is not the performance that we rehearsed for almost three weeks. We should have been wearing an angel's costume! Aish, I want those fluffy wings and halo to wear, but things happened.

If it's not only from the cheer dancers that mocked us for performing on stage with a solemn song, which Luhan decided for us to perform, he wouldn't get himself pressured and panicked from the fact that we were being mocked and belittled.

It was all still good not until Kyungsoo decided to suggest something he calls, unique. To perform a pop-rock song, that made me choke from my saliva.

And here we are now, with this freaking attire. They decided on a rockstar look and I can't believe I will wear one.

The jeans were freaking tight, I bet they couldn't even fit a tennis ball in it. I just stared for a good two minutes at the three pieces of articles of clothing, wondering how in the world could I get myself into it, before I sighed and started putting them on. With struggle.

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