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No one ever expected— except Luhan, that Baekhyun would dress up differently today. Differently, in a manner, his classmates would look or watch him like he's new in the university.

With just a simple white cotton turtleneck, black jeans, and boots. No one would believe that the person in front of them was their classmate for almost a year now.

"Hi..." Isn't it a bit weird when you approach your childhood best friend with a simple "hi"?— No, if he was just your childhood best friend— but yes if he happened to be your best friend and you like him.

"Hello," Baekhyun answered weirdly, too.

"Okay Guys, you can stop staring at him now." Kyungsoo pointed out and Baekhyun was more than thankful for that.

"So guys! Isn't it great that Baekhyun wears these kinds of clothes? I knew he would look so great in that outfit, but I never imagined him being hot and beautiful!" Dara beamed, his eyes glowing as he speaks excitedly.—by the way, Dara was sitting next to Chanyeol's left side while Baekhyun was facing the two from the rectangular, metallic table that was set on as cafeteria dining tables.

They all agreed. Nodding furiously and bringing up their additional compliments, making the embarrassed small male blush like a tomato.

 Nodding furiously and bringing up their additional compliments, making the embarrassed small male blush like a tomato

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Chanyeol secretly glances at Baekhyun's blue eyes behind his round glasses.

So beautiful, he thought. He felt moonstruck.

"Huh? What's so beautiful in that? Do you think the new old professor who never considers athletes like us is fair?" Lay propped, He was talking about their professor but then Chanyeol commented, So beautiful, out of the blues.

"Huh? Did I say that? You must have heard something else." Chanyeol defended. Diverting his gaze away from Baekhyun who was also anticipating why would he comment like that on such topics.

"Are you daydreaming?" Kai asked with his famous smirk.

"No! Why would I?" Of course not! Why would he daydream in front of Baekhyun who was dressed elegantly today, away from his usual old sweats and baggy pants? Why would he daydream with the love of his life who's sitting in front of him just a table away?

"If you say so." Suho hit Kai on the side with his elbows, telling him to shut up when he saw Chanyeol start blushing.

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