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"I already said no, Chanyeol." His father spoke coldly as he averts his eyes from his son's pleading ones.

"But dad-"

"A no is a no. Go to your room." He commanded.

"But I got a friend in my current school and he always gets bullied so I need to stand up and protect him! He's a good friend dad, intelligent too! I just really want to..." His voice died down when his dad looked at him sharply.

Chanyeol sighed when he realized that he knew his father. Of course, he would never let him do the things he wants, why would his father agree in the first place.

"Honey, maybe it's a good idea for him to have good friends, he's still young." His mother backed up quietly as she got closer to the young kid staring devastatingly on the floor.

"We already talked about this, our son isn't one for having friends," Mr.park exclaimed, shutting his wife.

Mrs.Park sighed in defeat as he caressed Chanyeol's cheeks. She felt bad for even trying.

"Baby, daddy is right. You can find good friends in the elite school we are planning to enroll you with. Besides, there will be sports there, you can be a basketball varsity player in that prestigious school. It will be fun, darling." Mrs.Park smiled as she tried to lift her son's spirit.

However, it did the opposite as Chanyeol felt the welling tears in his eyes.

Chanyeol's palms crumbled into balls as he felt really sad and upset at the same time.

"Only this time that I felt that someone really cared for me, a real friend that is always there for me, I only asked once! You're never here, do you even know what it feels like, being isolated in this huge mansion in silence? All I want is a friend! And you can't even give that to me!" Chanyeol shouted, pushing his mom's hands away from him before going upstairs and slamming the door with a loud bang.

"You know that he could not have friends," Mr.Park spoke in silence.

"I can't see the problem of why an eight-year-old young boy couldn't have friends. He doesn't have a family who's there for him." Mrs.park spoke before sipping into her glass of wine.

"What you want will never happen," Mr.Park responded.

"I don't know.. It's my son's wants, not mine." Mrs.Park spoke. She reached her phone and dialed a number before putting it near the side of her face.

"Find Chanyeol a good school near the city, and find this Byun kid he always talks about." She spoke.

"Funny because the boy doesn't have any background information. But it said that his mother have three different jobs. Assuming they are poor." Mrs.Park raised.

"Enroll those two in a better school. Send someone to talk to the head of the school and pay this boy the first year tuition but make it look like a scholarship. I don't want people thinking what's with our connection to anyone here in this town." Mr.Park ordered.

"Thanks." She mumbled before putting down the call.

She looked at her disapproving husband. His face showing regrets of what he just said now.

"Even just this once, give him a taste of happiness." She sighed, drinking all down the red wine on her glass as if hoping that what she just did is a good thing.

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