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“There’s just something about you I’m scared to lose because I know I won’t find it in anyone else.”


The basketball court was loud. Two of the bests teams gone playing, trying to defend their title. People yelled, screamed, and cheered. And the game was soon finished and Chanyeol's team won the group with only a few points ahead of the opponents.

Chanyeol risked his right leg and ankle with an injury when he dunk the tiebreaker score from unbalancing himself midair and hurt himself from the impact.

Baekhyun wouldn't be prouder than before, but his mind couldn't escape the reality that his best friend had injured himself and the guy was immediately directed to the hospital.

There lays Chanyeol with his right foot hung up in leverage in the hospital bed while a certain smurf was resting his head in the latter's stomach. Baekhyun watched over Chanyeol every time and he visits him with something to eat.

Chanyeol woke up and saw Baekhyun softly resting his head in his stomach, his dainty hands rested on the soft mattress, still sleeping in a sitting position. A wide grin crept into the taller's face when he saw drawings and sticky notes being plastered in his cemented right foot.

There are drawings of basketball, a doodle of Chanyeol's name, some flowers, hearts, some 'get well already!' And more unidentified from the giant's eyes.

He inwardly felt better, as his best friend was here with him. Caring for him. Several days in the hospital isn't bad for Chanyeol because he knows that he's being cared for.

After some staring that Chanyeol cast to the cute puppy who was sleeping, the latter, soon woke up and rubbed his eyes like a child with a matching look to his left and his right.

His small eyes were gone wider when he saw that Chanyeol was awake.

"Yah! Are you okay now? Does your foot still hurts?" These words are the first things that left Baekhyun's mouth. Baekhyun massaged Chanyeol's feet and legs with an ointment whenever Chanyeol feel pain in those areas.

And today, Chanyeol thought an evil idea to prank Baekhyun. But first, he must look very sad. —and so, he did.

Pouting, Chanyeol becomes silent for some second. He was waiting for the latter to notice his sudden silence.

Which the latter, —did.

"Are you feeling fine, Yeol? What does the doctor tell you?" Baekhyun asked while rubbing his neck, anticipating.

"The doctor said that... I couldn't walk anymore. Obviously, I cannot play basketball forever." He announced, trying his best to sound pitifully and seriously although he was laughing from the inside.

Baekhyun became silent. However, his hands unconsciously grasped the bedsheet below and diverted his look at the cement-wrapped foot of Chanyeol while biting his lower lip, forming a pout.

But it's your dream to become a famous basketball player, Yeol. He reminded himself. He began pouting heavily and his lips began trembling.

Chanyeol was smiling. Triumph was on his side but his breathing hitched when he saw Baekhyun, his tears gently flowing on his cheeks.

Damn, what the? —Chanyeol thought.

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