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“You may not be perfect; you are flawed like all humans. But you are perfect to me and that’s all that matters.”


"Irene, kindly tour Sehun around the campus?" Mrs.Chi asked while glancing at Irene and then at Sehun who was currently having his expressionless face trying to ignore the looks given to him.

The so-called girl squealed secretly with the idea that she will be accompanying the new hot transferee guy throughout the whole campus and quickly nodded in response.

"Yeah, sure! I mean, why not." Irene smiled and looked at Sehun as if he's something who came from heaven. She looked up and down eyeing every part of his clothed body and blushed when she looked at the latter's handsome face.

Sehun internally groaned as he rolled his eyes.

"I think it's better if Byun Baekhyun will be the one who'll tour me around the school grounds." This time all the students turn their heads to the man yet they remained silent. In fact, Sehun is tired of having responsibilities with flirty people like Irene so he just doesn't have a choice but to turn her down. Because as much as he wants to play as the heartbreaker in this school, he doesn't like to deal with it for now, because he had other plans.

'Why does Baekhyun always gets the hot guys. He's not only a nerd. But also a flirt.' someone muttered. Obviously the insecure girls.

Baekhyun, in his part he just looked around cluelessly with the disgusted and disbelieving expressions from his fellow classmates. He lifted his eyeglasses and tilt his head to look at Mrs.Chi.

"Is it okay with you Baekhyun?" Mrs.Chi asked, knowing that Baekhyun wasn't the type of student who could handle social interactions well.

"Mr.Byun? Is it okay with you?" Mrs.Chi spoke again, getting the smaller's attention. Baekhyun slowly nodded, unknowledgeable of what's the teacher was even talking about.

"Yes, ma'am.." He answered. The girl was crestfallen and jealousy is drawn on her face. She was just replaced by the midget's fortune on accompanying the hot guy.

"Okay. You guys can go now." The teacher exclaimed and started to turn the pages of the book she's reading.

"Where? Why?" Baekhyun mumbled dumbly and Sehun played a small smirk on his lips. Apparently, Baekhyun was budgeting his salary on his part-time job at the moment that he lost focus on what was happening to the class.

This boy is really something, Sehun thought.

"You just said yes ma'am, but you didn't really hear what she said?" Sehun spoke in amusement, now playing his pen in between his fingers coolly. Baekhyun looked beside him with equally clueless as before.

"I'm sorry, okay... Please tell me, what did she tell me to do please, I don't want to go to the detention room. That would be the first time if--"

"Tour me." Sehun sighed but not in an awful way but in an amusing way. Now, this is more interesting, he thought.

"Uhh...Y-You want me to tour you around?" Baekhyun unsurely asked while tilting his head showing his clueless puppy eyes. Sehun just gave an 'Isn't that obvious?' look and that's when Baekhyun remembered that he still had a favor to do with Sehun.

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