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“You have found true love when you realize that you want to wake up beside your love every morning even when you have your differences.” – Unknown


"Yeol, stop..." Baekhyun quickly wiped Chanyeol's face when he saw that the latter was about to shed tears once they got to the park's residence. He saw how the taller's broad shoulders tensed and he was biting his lower lip so hard that Baekhyun got worried that it might bleed.

Today, Chanyeol lost it.

Chanyeol breathed to calm himself without the idea that they are getting fine again, and so, he drove silently into his home. Baekhyun decided to stay at Chanyeol's to take care of him and make sure that his injury is okay.

"Why are you crying, Yeol? Does your knee hurts?" Said the dense, insensitive smaller while softly tiptoeing and reaching the taller's cheeks cupping them in both hands as he soothed him and wiped the remaining tears with his thumbs.

Chanyeol just stared at Baekhyun, he can't contain his longing and happiness inside of him and he cannot contain the tears of joy when the two of them were having a conversation again.

"Come're" Chanyeol harshly hugged him. His face nuzzled in between Baekhyun's neck as he breathed the latter's sweet scent.

Chanyeol felt like it's been months that they were apart and he already missed everything about Baekhyun. From the rectangular smile, the crescent eyes, caring and loving personality, and also his clumsiness. He totally misses everything from him. Even his insensitivity.

Baekhyun didn't expect that Chanyeol would be this hurt and he can say that the latter was hurt more than him. And he felt guilty about it.

"Don't cry, it makes me look like I beat you up." Baekhyun joked even though he was hurting too by the view in front of him. Never in a million years that Baekhyun thought that he'd be seeing Chanyeol shed tears because of him. And he doesn't want that.

Instead of answering, Chanyeol got even closer, lifting the small frame in the air and crushing their chest together until his sobbing calmed down. The warmth made him stop sniffling.

"I can see that you missed me so much." Baekhyun grinned with his slightly puffed crescent eyes coming into view. The taller suddenly felt embarrassed and that his face got redder when he realized that he cried in front of his best friend. He set Baekhyun in his feet and rubbed his eyes.

"I fucking missed you." Finally, Chanyeol sighed as he consumed Baekhyun's scent. Baekhyun blushed at the latter's admittance.

"It's okay, I miss you so much too. Aish, I cried my tears earlier, even if I want to cry, it is all gone. I'm sorry if it took me almost a month to realize that we're hurting together. But anyway, I'm here now, so don't you dare cry." Baekhyun sheepishly smiled and took his shoes off, putting them on the nearby shoe rock.

Chanyeol just stared at him again, though he showed his weak and vulnerable side of him furthermore to Baekhyun, he was relieved, as if thorns inside of his body has been plucked out one by one. All the agony and frustrations already washed by just the latter's presence. He just stood there in the living room eyeing Baekhyun as he closed the front door securely.

Baekhyun gazed at Chanyeol and again he felt worried that the giant hasn't spoken a word yet.

"Hey," he walked near the taller and he can see the reddened puffy eyes of his and the blushing cheeks of the latter due to crying.

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