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"Are you okay?!" Mr.Park asked frantically as he checked his son's body for casualties.

Chanyeol didn't respond. His eyes were red and tears welling in them. His fist clenched as he gritted his teeth. His breath was heaving and the trauma still filling him as the sound of the sirens flooded his ears.

"Son! You have to listen to me!" Mr.Park snapped as he shook Chanyeol's shoulders.

For the first time, his zoning eyes landed on his father's eyes. His glistening eyes silently demanding for answers that his lips couldn't utter. Then a second later, his tears began to flow.

"Is... Is he dead?" He broke into tears as he asked his father.

Mr.Park just stared at his son. He can't come up with the right answer. The damage of the bullet that Baekhyun took was bad. Not to mention the blood loss of the poor boy.

"Son..." He started. His fists were secretly clenched as he tried his best to be gentle. His eyes search for his son's broken ones.

"I warned you..." He asked. Almost regretting as he watched his son crumble even more.

Chanyeol neared his dad. His breaths heaving. He hugged his dad with his shaking arms.

"Dad, I can't live without him. I can't." He said shakily, his lips quivering as he whispered the words near his father's ears.

"Please... Please... Don't let him die, dad. Please! Tell me he'll live!" He held his dad. His swollen eyes shut yet the tears freely slid down his face.

Mr.Park grabbed Chanyeol's shoulder and pushed him enough to pull his son from the embrace and look him in the eyes.

"Promise me. You'll do what I say this time." Mr.Park spoke. His heart was secretly clenched as he watched how vulnerable his son had become. How powerless and weak he is right now.

Chanyeol nodded repeatedly. His body shaking. He can't think properly. He felt like he's gonna go crazy. The incident keeps flashing back in his mind. The blood. Baekhyun's cold body. The pain.

"He lost too much blood. He's unconscious. I heard that he had gone into a coma." His father explained. Watching painfully as he saw how Chanyeol's expression turned hopeless.

"However, I will do my best to keep him alive. I can't promise you that he'll live but I will take care of him while he's still alive." He spoke.

"I will do anything just don't let him die," Chanyeol spoke his shoulders shaking and his voice is hoarse.

"Son, you have to stay away from the people you love to keep them safe." Mr.Park warned as he patted Chanyeol's shoulder pitifully.

"My men are looking for the Blue owl, the one responsible for the illegal transfer and selling of Class-A and lethal weapons. He'd been spotted in the city so I was late. I don't know what's his business here in this kind of situation but I believe that he has a connection with the explosion incident of three of my clubs these past weeks. If that's the case, we have to triple our guards up and be aware of everything. I will send people to check on Baekhyun. You can't be seen anywhere near him. That's gonna cause trouble. We need the Oh's power to dominate Buncheon. That meant, having you married to Dara as a form of contract. Will you correct your mistakes now? For the sake of Baekhyun?" Mr.Park spoke as he is now face to face with Chanyeol.

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