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"You are the source of my joy, the center of my world and the whole of my heart." - Unknown


It's quite weird for Chanyeol to wake up early in the morning -earlier than the small puppy who was innocently sleeping on top of him- while he was drunk the night before.

Chanyeol thought about this kind of scenario, being drunk, he never had someone sleeping on top of him without the person moaning for his name prior.

No, Chanyeol. NO. Chanyeol quickly erased the thought from his mind. His ears heating up as well as his cheeks.

Baekhyun was innocent, how could you think about this to him?! He internally groaned as he swiped the fringes on the latter's forehead awkwardly that was covering Baekhyun's long eyelashes and his cute button nose.

Chanyeol just admired Baekhyun, from the luscious collar bone, plump parted lips that were naturally pink. His long curved eyelashes. His subtle baby powder scent that the giant could be pleased to sniff all day long. His fair complexion shouts purity and beauty. Including how sexy he was on an oversized t-shirt and tight shorts-

Fuck, not again. Chanyeol hissed as he breathed deep to focus on other things.

Chanyeol feels bewitched by the latter's overall personality. Maybe he really was, because as people say, when you started realizing that you love the person, everything about them becomes beautiful.

Without the taller realizing, he had been smiling on his own. He was captivated by Baekhyun. Everything that Baekhyun does seems like an art to Chanyeol, it made his heart beats faster.

The way he whimper in his sleep was just so adorable and even though he drooled at Chanyeol, the latter thinks that it was so damn cute and it's okay even if he does it every time.

When you fall in love, every flaw of the person you're in love with becomes a masterpiece.

Chanyeol snaps his head towards the wooden door when he heard the creaking, opening sound of it.

"Ah, hyung. I'm just here to give you this. I knew that you were drunk last night so-"

"Shhh..." Chanyeol put his index fingers on the middle of his lips to make Taehyung lower his voice. He then pointed at the latter's brother who was on top of him, sleeping there comfortably.

Taehyung blinked twice then he got what Chanyeol was trying to say so he nodded and walked near the small bed soft-footed while he handed the pill and water bottle to him.

Honestly, Chanyeol unusually didn't even feel any headaches on that particular morning anymore. So he just put the pill on the bedside table. Maybe he needs Baekhyun on top of him from now on whenever he drinks so that all the pain he's feeling will vanish. Or maybe, he should stop drinking, like what Baek always tell him.

Taehyung who was feeling awkward and a little bit weirded, - who wouldn't feel awkward when your brother was sleeping on top of someone's chest like couples do, right? He just watched how his older brother hugged Chanyeol subconsciously in his sleep.

"Taehyung, do you have plans to do right now?" Chanyeol asked in a low, soft, and quiet manner as he doesn't want to wake the love of his life. It was Saturday and he wants his baby to have at least have a long sleep. Baby, huh?

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