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"Give that back! It's bad to take things if it's not yours! So give that shoe back!" Chanyeol yelled. The group of kids just ignored Chanyeol and continue playing throw and fetch with Baekhyun's shoe. Technically, with the idea that they are more in numbers than Chanyeol who's alone.

"I SAID GIVE THAT BACK!!" Chanyeol came closer to the boy who's on the verge of throwing it again. The others flinch and moved away, but others just stood their ground.

"NEVER!" The brattiest boy shouted and he threw the shoe in the nearest trashcan.

Chanyeol's face darkened as he knows how precious that shoe is to Baekhyun, it's the first-ever shoe that his mom brought for him and that he felt his blood boil because that freaking bully just tossed the shoe towards the trash bin like it was just garbage.

Losing the very last drop of Chanyeol's temper, he punched the kid straight to the face. The boy screamed in pain inwardly, crying and rolling in the ground as he clutches his face.

The rest of the kids who are playing with the shoe dared to attack Chanyeol. They punched him in the face, in the stomach, and kicked him.

Baekhyun noticed the scene and he quickly ran outside with his shoeless foot, only to see Chanyeol crouching on the ground while being kicked.

"Stop! Stop it! Stop!!" Baekhyun shouted as he covered Chanyeol from the attacks with his tiny arms around him and resulting in him as the one who was being hit instead.

Finally, the teacher came rushing, and soon the boys were stopped. The teacher scolded the bullies and made sure to talk with their parents.

Chanyeol opened his eyes only to meet Baekhyun's puppy ones. He suddenly teared up while seeing the smaller having a tiny bruise at the side of his face and his yellowish shirt was now dirty and tainted with shoe prints.

Him being hurt wasn't a big deal compared to his best friend. Imagining his friend being punched and kicked pained him a hundred times more than anyone could think.

Chanyeol abruptly stood up and helped Baekhyun stand. Chanyeol is continuously shedding tears while seeing Baekhyun struggling to plaster a smile on his face. He sobs while hugging the smaller and trapping him by his arms, mumbling apologies again and again.

"W-Why are you smiling at the sudden? I just made you like this. Don't smile, it hurts me even more." Chanyeol struggled to tidy Baekhyun's crumpled shirt trying to dust it off. He took out a handkerchief in his pocket and wiped Baekhyun's face clean.

"It was our first fight as best friends! Of course, it wasn't your first fight but for me, it is! And it's a friendship goal to be cherished forever!" Baekhyun exclaimed, sheepishly smiling like an idiot. Even tho his body was in pain, he still managed to smile just so, to prevent Chanyeol from crying.

"No. Hmft. It's a bad memory." Chanyeol muttered as he quickly wiped the tears on his face.

"Really? Another first time is not bad." Baekhyun chirped as if everything's fine for him. He reached Chanyeol's ears and neck to wipe the dirt that came from the ground.

"And you're happy? You could be hurt badly! Oh, Baek, you're being weird again." Little Chanyeol huffed and sniffled as he scrunched up his nose.

Chanyeol picked Baekhyun's shoes in the trashcan. He took initiative to put it on his best friend's foot and tied it tightly so the lace won't untie easily.

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