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"Baekhyun, go away, I'm not in the mood to play." Chanyeol firmly stated as he sat on his jersey shorts on the cemented floor of an empty basketball court.

"Chanyeol-ah, are you mad because your team lost the game earlier?" The small midget asked carefully, crouching beside the taller who's eyes are knitted together as he stared at the rough surface.

Chanyeol upsettingly threw the ball in the grass in anger as he thought he tried his best but he still failed to win. He practiced so much for that and they lose.

Little Baekhyun saw what happened and he stared at the bouncing ball away for a moment till it stopped. Deciding that he needed to pick up the ball, he stood up silently, paddling towards where the ball got sent, picking up and laying it back on Chanyeol's lap.

Chanyeol frustratingly threw the ball again. When Baekhyun paddled again to pick up the ball, Chanyeol realized he'd been throwing the ball in a fair distance just for Baekhyun to pick it up, so he called the boy.

"Baekhyun! Why are you picking it up?!" Chanyeol ranted getting annoyed even more. Baekhyun just looked confused at the taller for a second but decided to pick it up nonetheless.

"Why are you throwing it?" Baekhyun spoke in a matter of fact but a childish manner.

He walked away for the third time and when he came back,

"Ayscweam? Here." Baekhyun's eyes glistened as Chanyeol took it on his small hands.

"You ate the top part of it?" Chanyeol asked raising his brow. Baekhyun blushed as he stood guilty.

"Yah, what's wrong with sharing? Besides I can only afford one ice cream! See? I only have two coins left." Baekhyun reasoned as he gulped the cream in his mouth, showing the two shiny silver coins in his palms.

Chanyeol started to smile. This kid, he sighed.

"Then why did you gave it to me? I don't deserve a reward. I lose the game, remember?" Chanyeol asked. Or that's what his father used to tell him.

"But you're the winner for me! You're so good at it! I'm watching you carefully, shooting the ball in the ring like this and like that and dodging the other players like this and like that! You're the best in my eyes, Chanyeol-ah!" Baekhyun cheered as he held the taller's left hand and put it in the air.

"You're my number one fan then, huh?" Chanyeol's smile begun to form wider. Forgetting that he lose and taking account of what Baekhyun has said. Happy that even they lose the game, Baekhyun is still proud of him.

"Yes! I'm your number one fan! Chanyeol! Chanyeollie! Chanyeol-ah!- asdfghjkl..." Chanyeol covered Baekhyun's mouth to make the small boy quiet.

"Yah! Shhh... you'll embarrass me here." Chanyeol whispered but chuckled nonetheless.

"And for that, I'm going to treat my number one fan with pork barbecue afterward!" Chanyeol exclaimed before standing up and offering his hand to Baekhyun who's on the floor.

"Yah, really?" Our midget's honey-brown orbs shined in excitement.

"Yeah! But you can only have 7 sticks, I'll have 3. I still need another New Jersey to buy this week." Chanyeol smiled as Baekhyun picked his backpack up and grinned at Chanyeol. Well, that's already enough from that small tummy but, bring it on!

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