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“There is madness in loving you, a lack of reason that makes it feel so flawless.  ​–Leo Christopher


Baekhyun paddled around, with crinkling eyes, humming while carrying a water-filled bottle that has two small fishes inside it. Happily checking the small fishes time after time and smiling brightly in the process. Chanyeol came into view while looking down at Baekhyun who was stupidly grinning while he is focused on his bottle-filled water, unknowledgeable about the tall male towering him.

"Drink this," Chanyeol ordered sternly while maintaining his serious look towards Baekhyun. The smaller just whined, grabbing and pouring the medicine and the glass of water, and slowly gulped it all down.

Chanyeol scolded Baekhyun after the smaller accidentally drank from the river water where their activities were held. Technically, Baekhyun choked from the water when he tried picking up a small blue stone beneath it, and Chanyeol began to panic so he spooned the smurf bridal style and sent him on the land part quickly. Baekhyun just sheepishly smiled after and scratched his nape apologizing to the worried giant in front of him who's currently rubbing his back.

Chanyeol told Baekhyun to just stay there so that he can concentrate and try to win the game. Because basically, Chanyeol can't concentrate while checking up on Baekhyun now and then. The water is not so deep and it's clear and fresh but knowing how intense Chanyeol worries about Baekhyun, he would even freak out if he loses even just a glimpse of the smaller. The activity was easy, their task is to collect colored stones depending on what is their color code. But having a childish Baekhyun in the water made the basketball players frustrated and so....they didn't win.

Well, Baekhyun was more than happy and he feels like he won already when he caught two small river fishes so...

"Does your tummy still hurts?" Chanyeol asked concerned while rubbing his palm on the smaller's stomach.

"Nope." Baekhyun stated popping the 'P' and shaking his head. Chanyeol relaxed after he heard the latter's answer and smiled but Baekhyun didn't react afterward as he turned around and watch the two small fishes play around each other.


It was evening when they created a bonfire that lit the dark surrounding of the grass field. The bonfire was huge and that Baekhyun pouted when he couldn't even get near it because of the raging heat of the fire that could burn him alive. What about these marshmallows? Baekhyun sighed and sadly looked at the marshmallow packets in both of his hands.

"Now, it's talent show off." Choi Minho who was one of the scout instructors announced after they're all settled down in an Indian sit. The surrounding suddenly went quiet and only the crickets and the crackling of the bonfire were heard. Minho explained that each tent must have a representative and that the winner willer dives a reward.

Chanyeol's group was confident before the talent battle because they have Luhan and Kyungsoo who know how to sing but after witnessing such beautiful performances from the other groups they began panicking and frantically grumbling and doubting if they can do it.

"What if we lose?! Well, I don't want to risk my reputation up there!" Luhan practically complained as he folded his arms.

"I'm the coach's son of the most famous basketball players in our school! How dare you order me just like that huh?! What if we didn't win the contest?! That's embarrassing you know?!" Kyungsoo glared at the others, leaving them hopeless and shattered.

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