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Chanyeol just finished practicing basketball that Friday morning. Deciding to fetch Baekhyun first before heading to the cafeteria, he managed to jog over to the hallway that's leading Baek's last subject before lunch.

Smiling when he saw the latter's classroom, he strode over to the door only to find out a couple of people there without the sight of Baekhyun.

"Hey, where's Byun Baekhyun?" He asked one of the guys who's sitting near the door.

"The small boy with round glasses?" The guy took a gulp first before answering.

"Where is he?" Chanyeol asked again, impatiently.

"From what I have heard, he was sent to the principal's office." He said cautiously, intimidation was clear in his eyes.

Chanyeol wiped the remaining bead of sweat on his forehead before immediately giving a sharp look at the guy in front of him.

"Why?" He asked. His toned elevated almost immediately.

"I—I don't know..." the guy answered feeling scared by Chanyeol's sudden aura.

Without any response back, Chanyeol walked towards the principal's office. His feet take him there quick yet with utter heaviness in every step he takes.

Why would that boy get involved with the principal? Did something happen? He asked himself.

Once he arrived at the office, the first thing he saw just by looking at the smoked glass was silhouettes of a couple of people inside. This made him more curious.

He twisted the knob and he searched for Baekhyun with his eyes from the students who's standing over the front desk of the principal.

And once he saw Baekhyun, and the smaller saw him, his heart immediately sunk.

"C-Chanyeol!" Baekhyun jumped on his seat as he rushed towards Chanyeol, leaning all his weight on the taller male as he sobbed.

Chanyeol instinctively wrapped his arm around the weeping boy and gave a blazing glare at the students who are now looking quietly at him.

"I told you, this wasn't a good idea." One of the boys whispered to the girl standing beside him. The girl just inhaled and stood his ground with a glaring expression.

"What happened?" Chanyeol dangerously asked with his deep baritone voice that almost filled the now crowded office.

The silence was offered for a moment until the principal stood up from behind his desk and appeared from the number of students in front.

"He stole a wallet, Mr.Park." The principal responded. This made Chanyeol's forehead crease even more. His heart was tugged every time Baekhyun sobs in his jerseys as he felt the wet patch in his chest and the tight small arms wrapping around his hips.

"Stole?" Chanyeol's voice raised. Mockery is evident in his dangerous voice.

"Yes! I know he did it! I mean no one else can do it except him! Everyone knows he's poor and he needed money!" The girl who was the one with the missing wallet defended herself.

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