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“I love you and that’s the beginning and end of everything.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald


"Dara, it's fine. I'm okay,  I'm still in one piece, right? There's no need for revenge." Baekhyun spoke with a small smile. However, Dara might have saw Baekhyun's mixed emotions in his eyes that made the girl angry even more.

"But you can't let them do that to you again, Baekhyun. I feel bad seeing my friends being treated like that, if you won't make them stop bullying you, then I will."

After they got home, Dara immediately phoned Baekhyun, apologizing once more and telling Baekhyun that he must defend himself no matter what.

"But what if more troubles come after? Besides I've never had an act of revenge before.." Baekhyun confessed in the other line of the phone call while nibbling the inside of his mouth. He had never been in a physical fight and he could never imagine fighting with anyone else. And he doesn't want Dara getting involved with it, just because of him.

"Baekhyun, it doesn't mean that you must fight them. You only need to fix yourself so that it'll make you look intimidating and sophisticated— to make them self-conscious." Dara explained.

"What do you mean?" Baekhyun asked, feeling embarrassed that he couldn't even catch up with the girl's directions.

"You must improve yourself. Be more confident and sophisticated." The girl enthusiastically stated, feeling excited about when will she start teaching Baekhyun to become one.

"But I don't know if I can do that, Dara. You know, I barely have any reason to stand on my grounds." Baekhyun mumbled, playing with the hem of his shirt.

"You need to! You can't expect someone in your entire life to save you from this kind of thing. Not everyone will be there for you always, Baekhyun. People mostly leave and people change but they also help and so, I'm here to help you to change the way how they treat you." Dara's words are a major slap on Baekhyun's face.

He suddenly felt ashamed of himself, expecting people to help him and protect him. All his entire life, he had been hiding from Chanyeol's back.

Dara was right, Baekhyun thought.

But how to start changing my life for the better? He asked himself because he had no idea how.

"But how? I don't know what to do." Baekhyun scratched his nape as he hold his phone awkwardly in his free hand.

"I'll take care of it," Dara quickly answered, jumping off on her queen-sized bed and grabbing her wallet on the bedside table.

"But first, wait for me in front of your house. I'll be there around 20 minutes. And Baek, don't tell Chanyeol about this yet so that it'll be a surprise!" Dara spoke enthusiastically before hanging up and not even taking any reply from the latter, who don't have any idea about it.


"Okay, is this alright?" Baekhyun awkwardly showed his clothes as he scratched his nape.

"Cool," Dara commented. He saw Taehyung walking past the narrow hallway with only shirts and boxers and she immediately smirked.

"Is he your boyfriend?" She asked while pointing her index finger so slowly towards the taller young man who was drinking a glass of water.

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