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“I went to sleep last night with a smile because I knew I’d be dreaming of you… but I woke up this morning with a smile because you weren’t a dream.” – Unknown


Chanyeol wasn't sure what to do as he saw Baekhyun heaving. His heart sunk when he looked at how Baekhyun's warm tears ran through his rosy cheeks.  Lips trembling and body shivering.

"H-He held both of my h-hands, Chanyeol. I couldn't do anything. He—He kissed me everywhere, h-he bit me, I'm so scared. I—I thought he..." Baekhyun trembled as he sobbed. The small amount of already wine working through his mind. Letting emotions flow freely.

"I felt so helpless..." his hands shaking as he gripped hard on Chanyeol's bicep.

Chanyeol just felt angry by the memory and he felt also pain surges through his heart. Baekhyun doesn't deserve what happened to him. The man ending in jail wasn't just enough for him. He wants to kill him over and over again but he knew that he couldn't do anything more than that.

"You're not, Baek. You're the most precious person in the entire world." Chanyeol soothed as he kissed his cheeks to wipe the tears away.  Baekhyun shook his head.

"Please, t-take the pain away, Chanyeol." Baekhyun whimpered, his eyes closed long ago but brimming with tears.

"Baekhyun, d-do you trust me?" Chanyeol spoke ever gently as he swiped the latter's fringe away from his forehead. The male looked at him for a moment, nodding as he scrunched his face, trying to erase the nightmare that kept hunting him. The memory that traumatized him.

"Look into my eyes," Chanyeol spoke. His eyes were intently looking at the smaller. He felt hesitant but he was determined to do his best to redeem Baekhyun's thoughts away from bad memories.

Baekhyun searched for the taller's eyes and was met by Chanyeol's dark brown orbs, just centimeters away.

"Do you love me?" He spoke as he gently laid Baekhyun beside him and hovered just above Baekhyun. His knees and elbows were carrying his weight.

"Y-Yes. So much." Baekhyun's teary eyes flashed in front of the taller's gaze. He could feel the other's hot breath fanning on his.

Chanyeol dips down as he kissed Baekhyun's lips slowly and gently. He felt the smaller's breath hitched by the movement but Chanyeol was determined.

He ran his lips on baekhyun's neck where the mark that left the guy that almost raped Baekhyun and marked it, making Baekhyun whimper. Chanyeol bit it just enough to be replaced by his bite marks. He ran through his delicate collar bones and Chanyeol hesitantly licked it and bite the once marked until everything the man left on Baekhyun's skin was no longer there.

His breath was warm from Baekhyun's skin and the smaller felt so good when Chanyeol touches him. He felt secure on the latter's heated touches.

"Baek, I want to claim you. But only if you want me to." Chanyeol murmured as he got back to the heavenly lips that he loved so much.

"I can't promise to take the pain away. I can't promise to erase any bad memory that you've got. But I promise to do my best." Chanyeol murmured as he licked Baekhyun's lower lip. Baekhyun just nodded as he held Chanyeol's nape and kissed back.

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