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“If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk in my garden forever.”


Baekhyun was currently eating a pack of gummy bears that Chanyeol brought him and comfortably reading a book in the library for their homework. Unlike many students, Baekhyun doesn't use laptops and gadgets to browse the internet for him to study because he can't afford one of those.

He barely have money for his tuition fees... He doesn't have personal gadget except for his old ancient keypad phone that doesn't even have internet connection that was given by his mother when he was 15. Just for important purposes such as emergencies.

Baekhyun slowly flipped over through the olden pages of a certain biology book patiently as he went on, not bothering to look at the time.

💕C H A N Y E O L ' S P O V💕

Practice hours was long finished but Baekhyun hasn't came at the gym yet. I said earlier that he'll meet me here in the basketball court so that I can drive him home. Now where is he?

My friends had already changed into clean tops. And I'm the only one left who's in sweaty jerseys. He got my towel and a spare shirt.

"Are you not going home yet? We're heading off now." Kris asked grabbing his own sports bag.

"Nah. I'm waiting for someone." I answered while trying to untie my shoelaces, still holding on my phone.

"Jieun? But I just saw her awhile back I think she left the school grounds already." Suho remarked.

"I'm waiting for Baekhyun," I said as I tapped my rubber shoes on the shiny floor, seriously I'm getting worried.

They understand me tho, they know how much I care for my bestfriend although I don't really introduced him to the group yet. They waved and left me all alone without uttering another word after bidding goodbye.

I sat on one of the long metallic benches, scrambling and typing at my phone. Texting someone who doesn't reply to my messages and calling someone who doesn't pick up. Aish,

"Mrs.Byun? Does Baekhyun already got home?" I asked concealing my worried voice. Well, it's better that he left me here alone waiting for nothing than knowing that he's not home yet.

I had more than twenty messages sent to him but he hasn't replied yet on any of them. When did I become so patient? Where did he go? Did he went home without me? No that's impossible.

Tsk. Baekhyun...

"He hasn't came home yet since this morning Yeol, why? He's not with you?" Chanyeol's spine shivered as he gritted his jaw. Where the fuck did he go then?!

"Oh, if that's the case. I'm sure he's at his other friends then Mrs.Byun, don't worry." Chanyeol stated gripping his phone tightly. Fuck, he doesn't have other friends. Chanyeol felt his blood boil in utter frustration.

"Okay, thanks for worrying Chanyeol, you're really a good bestfriend to my Baekkie. Please do tell him that he must get home early." Ofcourse I'm a good bestfriend.

"I will Mrs.Byun." I said before turning down the call. A gulp was caught in my throat.

As minutes by minutes passed by I was getting and getting more worried. Maybe he got bullied?-or he got injured? K-Kidnapped?

Scary thoughts clouded my mind as my palms began to sweat. I started to cold sweat again.

37 missed calls.

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